The Seven Legends of the Kings' Sea Species in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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The Seven Legends of the Kings' Sea

"Who do ya' think would die if they fought - The Thunderwyrm or The Armed Dragon? You'd be wrong if you guessed either of them, if you're around to see it you'll be the first to go."

What are The Seven Legends?

The Seven Legends of The Kings' Sea are among the deadliest and strangest individual creatures to swim the waters and walk the lands of The Six Seas. The Kings' Sea, already a hostile environment as it is, is made ever the more dangerous by the presence of these 7 creatures, each of whom has enough power to wipe out a ship no questions asked. The threat of these legends looms large over the heads of anybody wishing to sail the Kings' Sea and still keep their life.  

The Legends

Skakarbatrix, The Thunderwyrm

A blue greatwyrm, Skakarbatrix has tired of everything having to do with being a dragon. She's undergone a number of magical modifications to allow her to swim and breathe underwater, channelling her electricity in ways perhaps even more destructive than before. She resides in a small underwater cave just west of The Ancient Sea, which is constantly encircled by storms. The greatwyrm is often incompatible with the environment, so goes on regular flights above water, unleashing her wrath on nearby ships to blow off steam - or, more accurately, lighting.  

The Coral Killer

Krakens are already some of the most formidable foes on the Six Seas. The Coral Killer is a kraken, but worse. A rippling blue body is crusted with layers upon layers of coral, to the point that if it were to lie still on the seafloor, one could easily mistake it for a reef. The killer hunts ships for sport, rising from the depths and destroying them with its oversized claws and mouth.
A number of large ocean creatures are known to have survived bouts with The Coral Killer thanks to the distinctive W-shaped scars left by the killer's abnormal jaw.  

The Snatcher

Perhaps the most mysterious among the Seven Legends, The Snatcher's true form is completely unknown, as are its goals, its intelligence, and even its methods of killing. The Snatcher is practically a ghost. All that is known is this: The Snatcher targets crews not over minutes or hours, but over weeks, slowly picking crew members off one by one. There are reports of otherworldly tentacles rising from the waters, but when the crew goes to investigate they only find a crew member missing and no creature in sight. Few survive encounters with The Snatcher - those that do typically only do it by sailing directly to the nearest settlement, where the creature dares not hunt.  

Large Freddy

Large is really the only word that can appropriately describe this sea serpent. Possibly as much as a mile in length and at least 50 feet in diameter, Freddy slithers about an underwater chasm on the western edge of the Kings' Sea. When a ship sails by, the titanic serpent rises from the waters demanding tribute in form of precious gemstones or magic items. Freddy doesn't accept coins or art pieces, as he views them as too plebian for his tastes. When sailing in the region, one must be ready to pay the appropriate price or see themselves swallowed.  

The Trumpeter

Some theorize The Trumpeter to be a living embodiment of the will of the Kings' Sea. Others believe it to be an ancient guardian of nature. Others yet theorize it is a construct of the Ancient Empire. No matter the case, The Trumpeter guards an island known as The Trumpet or The Trumpet of Kings - an island that holds to power to project the voice of those able to harness its power for all on The Six Seas to hear. The Trumpeter is the biggest obstacle between an aspiring speaker and the power of the island. Given that there is a single case of somebody successfully using The Trumpet in the past 300 years, it's safe to say that The Trumpeter is a force to be reckoned with.  

Chichimatul, Sharkmother

Size doesn't always equate directly with power. Some massive creatures are totally docile, and some small creatures pack the biggest punch. Chichimatul is neither large nor fierce. By all accounts, she's just an average shark with just a single important trait: she holds absolute control over every other shark and has enough intelligence to turn ordinary preditors into fearsome stalkers and tacticians.
Chichimatul lurks in the deep waters of the King's Sea and has been known to frequent a number of shark-infested areas. A number of intrepid adventurers have descended into the depths and claim to have killed her, yet she remains alive for some inexplicable reason. It's agreed it's best not to mess with the Sharkmother since each adventurer who has told that tale has not lived longer than a week.  

Bargathox, The Armed Dragon

Unlike the rest of the legends, The Armed Dragon has not once attacked anybody unprompted or with malicious intent. The dragon is simply motivated by a desire to fight strong opponents and has the power to pose a significant challenge even to the toughest adversaries. The dragon guards a trove of legendary weapons located somewhere on the Kings' Sea, and will happily part with one of his weapons if he can be brought low in combat.
Nobody knows what kind of dragon Bargathox is, as his entire body is plated with a thick coating of armour. Given his title, it should be of no surprise that Bargathox wields massive weapons in combat instead of using the classic claws and jaws that dragons are so well-reputed for. It's even rumoured that he recently added cannons to his arsenal.


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