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Dastor (Das-tor)

"This city is full of Lie, which is why they call it the city of Lies." States an Elf from Mastor. Why do they feel so strongly about this and who is to blame. Well Dastor is one of the few cities that follow a ruling house system; they do have a king above them but he is mainly seen as a figure head for the city to follow. Well the three house of Dastor, control most of the daily life the king apparently has no control over this domain instead pushed his power across the forest into Mastor. Why it seems this way has puzzled us for a while but all we can do is just watch as they rip themselves apart. We have tried to intervene in these matters as we have both of the cities under our control, but alas the scars from the Elven Crusades run so deep they might never be able to completely come back as one race.   If we managed to try and keep these two cities separated we only hope to see some rebuilding, but if we some how disappear, Astro help us all.


The "Sun Elves" have claimed this claimed this city as their home. Here the three houses are the richest with wealth trickling down to the worker of each house. Only Elves inhabit this city, and they have blocked anyone else not registered to a house from living here as well.


It is run by a king who holds control over three noble houses, with each house having control over a designated part of the city.


This city is surrounded by walls with having both being ballista towers and conduit towers.

Industry & Trade

The population is split so the house depends the work you do. Between construction, to harvesting magical herbs, to even being in the military. Each house and region you come from is very important to the elves and what they can do. But each family will also take on one additional family to be the scribes for the house.


With its sparkling towers, windy roads, and the castle in the center.


The city has three main house districts, Prastino, Kokivno, and Bela. Each of these control a single aspect of life or the economy. With that the city is then broken into a royal district and the surrounding city. With in thew Royal district you will see the King's-guard defending many of the building and watching vigilantly these who pass through. As the King himself won't leave his tower unless he gives a speech or needs to be present for a meeting between the houses. In the Prastino house, you find the color scheme to be green, yellow, and white. They control the fields, and house workers in the connected barns or in a large housing apartment. They will import workers from the surrounding elven city to work in the field then deport them away once they are done with them. In Kokivno you find the stronger Elves. They work on building, maintaining, and fortifying the city. This task lead to them being the strongest of the Elves and thus they have the highest rate of people being forced into the King's-Guard. In Bela you have the house of merchants. This house cares the most about the people working for them and will higher people to sell in other cities. Their network reaches far and wide through out the elven cities and even into mixed cities. They pull in the most coins and will risk a few for an even bigger profit.


The climate and rich magical soil allows these herbs to grow for fantastic potions.

Guilds and Factions

The three house are constantly in a power struggle as they try to via for the control of the city. As the king owns the military, he can keep these house in check. The houses well having money to spare, must pay the king for protection as any form of military outside of the King's-guard is illegal and considered treason.   So this city is broken up between the three houses. The first House is Prastino (pr-ass-tea-no) which controls the farms of magical herbs. House Kokivno (ko-keve-no), controls most of the housing for the city and the infrastructure projects. Wells House Bela (bee-la), controls most of the markets and trade. With the King controlling the military and public relations.


The blessed settlement of Syaneth, this city flourished with rich soil to produce magical food of great flavor. These food gave the people of Dastor extreme abilities, which then forced the Elven Crusades. This wiped out a  substantial amount of the entire population. As Dastor found itself on top they declared they were chosen to rule by Syaneth and put the remaining city under its control.

Points of interest

Wither you visit the bustling shopping square of Bela or walk around the fields of Prastino the color of this city is beautiful. The only city without gates, as they were taken down at the end of the Elven Crusades. This city has some of the most beautiful architecture anywhere in the world. The color of the city is rather vibrant and the paths are a mix of stone, gravel, and dirt. If you can ever get in to see the king, the castle houses treasures from the conquest of the Great War to the Conquest of Unification.


With the curving buildings and sloped roof, the building themselves look like the forest they were build from. Each house intently built and placed "perfectly" allows the flow of the city to be just as grace full.


With the rolling hills of the Great Plains and the Birthplace of Magic: Dentro, they possess the resources to build and thrive even in the winter months. Being on the Northern side brings more cold and snow but they don't mind for who worry about the weather when your furnaces are kept hot and the food brings a certain resistance to the cold.


Within the continent they get a wide range of temperature, from the freezing wind to the blazing scorch of the desert, they experience it all. Residing in a flatland they get a decent amount of rain and the Katias that pass over will either gain in strength or loss it.

Natural Resources

Wood, Stone, magical herbs, and Magoni Wood.
For the Kingdom is only as strong as the least of us. We try to embody the motto "Enotita Se Erinini," our motto that allowed us to try to unify the world. -Atlas Segtun


Woe to those who sow deceit
Woe to those who find the seed
Woe to me for the enemy
Wondering who 
we will be
Founding Date
1st Season, Year 15 (per the humans)
Alternative Name(s)
City of Lies
15,486 Elves
Location under


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