Opperation: Capta Capture Military Conflict in Navator | World Anvil
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Opperation: Capta Capture

Era: Industry

Rain soaked into the ruin grounds. The wind swept kicking up the rain and moving massice amounts of dust...We were blineded and could bearly see. All we could hear was the sloshing of our feet against the muddy ground, as our clothes and gear where drench and sticking to us. None of us could feel the cold, none of us cared for the terriable conditions beause we knew that if we lost this fight we would soon lose the war.
  • Rinthein, Defender Classification; House Somadol
  • As the thunder shook the earth and the rain came down so hard it made the stones sag, two special team were gearing up for a conflict that would untimitly change the cource of history. A skirmish so high with tention that even the Kasilinos were taking notice. What made this skirmish so wrought with tension, and how was it this fight would determine the cource of history? One simple thing that was discovered thousands, hundred of thousands of years ago: Magoni. This rare resource would be the defining moment for these two houses to find a way to lengthen thier magical power, a way to use their magic even when the world as loosing its ability to sustain its own. Now for as big as this skirmish was, no one ever made it back and no one knows the true outcome of the fight, but this we do: the after effects of what this fight caused. Now all I have left is to ask you one question: Can I tell you a Story?

    The Conquest of Arcania

    The rain pounded hard against the out side of the [dropship]. As we rummbled towards the end of the track the ride was become increasingly less smooth. I was thrown into one of my allies, at least for the time being, knocking their big gun from their hands. It hit the floor with a loud CLANG! Everyone jumped and staired at it, holding their breath. Although it was a MKII they were still prone to failures, rather explosive ones, when there was magic surging around them. The disgruntled Dragonspawn looked at me, raised the side of her beak to show her sharp teeth and then bent down to pick it up. "So the new recrut was to kill us?" A voice was fired from the dark corner of the car we were in. Whirling around I was two dark red eyes peaking out from his hood as he was sharping a knife with runes etched into the blade.
    "NnNnoOoOOo," I stammered back. "I simpily lost my footing."
    "You know its going to be quite slick out there and were are going to be fighint through ruins...You best get your footing together. Or you may just be our distraction. I hear Somadol's troups can be quite brutal to those who lose where they are." This voice carried the air of age but soundly weirdly mechincal. As he stepforward into the the flickering light I was met with a horrendious face, his left eye and ear were build out of metal with small inscription the flashed every time they moved. His body as scared and had plently more metal with inscriptions on them as well. "I remember the day when the MKIs were used and when they found my broken body laying in a heap after my gun exploded, they just shiped me off to one of their prison boats. So mark my warnings, son, they will, if given the chance, will end your existance right here right now." When the last of his words were spoken we felt the pod lurch forward and my stomach found itself quickly in my throat as we began to fall. Then with no hessitation the pod slamed into the ground and the side door hissed and began to lower down its ramp. Rain came poring into the car soaking most of our gear and undergear instantly.
    A speaker sparked to life, a purple glow eminating from it: "This is strictly a retrival mission, you have 4 hours to get back to TDE4, before we leave with or without you." With that the team began to rush out into the rain, I shivered with excitment took a shakey breath and then ran forth into the curtain of rain.

    The Conflict


    As these two houses were thrown into a Cold War from the rapidly depleting magic supply, both began to look for option that would give them the edge over the other. This made the spy networks of both houses of the upmost importance. A job to figure out what the enemies were doing and then try to take it before they could even complete their plan. Eventually all the research point to the last stronghold of the past: Capta. A city that by now was long overgrown and falling to ruins as it was on the outskirts of the Redlands, but the  two houses believed that their saving grace and the edge they so desperately need was within this city. Now all they needed to do was get to the remains of Astero's Star before the other could get there.


    Both sides by this point had a way to travel the world at a much faster pace then when they began to fight back in first Great War, so with faster deployment speeds meant that Somadol being the island nation that it was, got there around the same time that Tokadol did. As both sides deployed on opposite sides of the city, one on the riverbank the other in the forest. This meant that when the sides would encounter one another it would be after they had to explore a large part of the city. This one fact made this battle not only exhausting but also deadly to those who lagged behind.


    Within the ruins of Capta, searching for the last bit of human civilization that, as myth has it, allowed the city to be Katia free for its entire existence.


    Heavy rain, unstable ground, and little to no information on what each side was looking for.

    The Engagement

    Small scale fights as they appeared an dissapeared within the rain and buildings. Now due to the weapons and traning of both sides they often crippled or killed many memebers of the extraction squads.


    As the area was shrouded by a major storm, each house didn't know the outcome but after about a month of waiting the sent in more forces with jumpstarted the next major conflict.


    With the constant strain of the all ready unstable magic within the region it begain to posion the rivers that lead from the city slowly killing off millions of troops, civilians, and animals. Leading to an expanstion of the Bloody Plateau. Which eventually led to the fall of both houses.

    Historical Significance


    It's one of the greatest mysteries of the era, no one knows what happend to the people there or even what they were truly looking for as this mission wasn't even in the book as who they sent or why. This is what is known that this 3 day fight lead to many of the most advanced and highly trained regiments of both house were crippled. This caused another Great War as both houses blamed the other for the loss of it prided troops, effectively crumbling both of the nations.

    Technological Advancement

    With the recent development of the MKII guns, it allowed for Tokadal to have more accuracy and stronger blasts from their guns. Where as Somadol, unleased one of their uenthical projects on this battle field: a Magicaly infused Affinit.
    Although this skirmish lasted a few days this fight was the deciding factor of who would eventually win the war. But in the end they both collasped one due to losing the war, the other was beacuse they won the war.
  • Skirmis: Vol. 23 - War of Nations, PG. 23 - 
  • Included under Conflict
    Conflict Type
    Battlefield Type
    Start Date
    Thamerin 12, 1674
    Ending Date
    Thamerin 15, 1674
    Conflict Result
    Neither side really knows but both Somadol and Tokadal said they had won and claimed the area.




    Being born from the boost in scientific advancements and new ways to harness magic, they excelled in being able to ready hundreds of thousands of units with minimal training as they quickly developed firearms, magical armors, and even cloaks of camouflage to help strengthen themselves within the conflict. Also controlling much of the resource rich land they had plenty of things to throw into this conflict.
    Their military is comprised of higly diverse and effectively trained units. As they were born from the magical house of the Thamerally empire the schools and magical training was continued into the nation they beacme.


    3 Generals
    75 Highly Trained Forces
    350 Troops
    75 People unaccounted for
    2 Generals
    150 Highly Trained Forces
    200 Troops
    175 people unaccounted for


    To claim this mystical rock that is said to provide power from magic for 100's of years. With magic starting to wane this prize was the best reward they could ever thing of.
    No only were they going after the magical item that was suspected to have an almost unlimited supply of magic. They also wanted the city as this would have given them territory on the opposited side of Tokadol to give them a stronger foodhold within the contintent.


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