Dead Master Thieves

Dead Master Thief Skull #1 by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  In past centuries, the Lankhmar Thieves' Guild was a venerable, faithful institution. Master thieves were lovingly entombed with their accumulated riches upon their deaths. These Dead Master Thieves were spoken of with respect and affection by thieves still living, and their memories were honored. The Dead Masters were grateful. In time, the guild changed and was absorbed by Slayer,which at the time was known as Slayer's Brotherhood. The new guild masters became greedy, its thieves dishonorable. They turned their backs on the honored traditions of the past and forgot about the Dead Master Thieves.  
Dead Master Thief #2 by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  It was not to be thus forever. In their lost crypt deep beneath the Thieves' House, the Dead Masters looked upon their sucessors with hatred. When the new thieves committed the ultimate outrage (attempting to remove the gems which encrusted the skull of Master Thief Omphal) the Dead Thieves struck, carrying off the guild master and many of his followers.  
Dead Master Thief #3 by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  The thieves returned to their old ways, honoring the Dead Masters and dedicating a portion of all theft proceeds to their memory. For their part, the Dead Masters are at peace once more but stand ready to return and punish the guild.  
Dead Master Thief #4 by Chad Watson via Midjourney

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
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