
Frosthold is the only permanent settlement on the fringes of the Cold Wastes, serving as a sanctuary for adventurers, scholars, and the occasional trader who braves the treacherous landscape. Carved directly into the rocky face of a mountain near the tundra’s southern edge, Frosthold is designed to withstand the brutal cold and powerful winds that constantly batter the region.  

Architecture and Features:

The structure of Frosthold is a testament to ingenuity and survival in a harsh climate. Thick stone walls, insulated with layers of animal pelts and treated wood, keep the inn warm despite the freezing conditions outside. Torches and fireplaces are constantly maintained, fueled by coal and peat harvested from nearby deposits. Large, heavy doors are reinforced to protect against the Ghost Winds and to keep out any creatures that might wander too close. Icicles hang from the roof year-round, and snow drifts frequently pile up outside, making the inn appear like part of the mountain itself.   Inside, the inn is rustic but comfortable. There are common areas where travelers gather to share stories of their explorations, eat hearty meals, and prepare for their next venture into the tundra. A central hearth in the main hall provides warmth, and long wooden tables offer seating for groups to dine together. The inn also boasts a small, well-stocked armory and equipment room where guests can rent or purchase cold-weather gear, including furs, snowshoes, and climbing equipment.  


Frosthold offers simple, sturdy rooms with thick furs and insulated walls to keep out the cold. Each room is equipped with a small brazier or stove to provide warmth, as well as heavy blankets made from the pelts of Woolly Mammoths and Tundra Elk. The beds are designed for warmth and comfort, though luxury is sacrificed for practicality in such a hostile environment. Visitors are reminded to keep their fires lit through the night, as temperatures drop drastically after dark.  

The Innkeepers:

Frosthold is run by the Stonefrost Clan, a family of hardy mountain folk who have lived on the edge of the Cold Wastes for generations. They are known for their resilience and knowledge of the land, offering not only shelter but guidance and supplies for those venturing deeper into the wastes. The clan is led by Olda Stonefrost, a grizzled but wise matron who has spent decades learning the secrets of the tundra. Her sons and daughters handle the day-to-day operations of the inn, including maintaining the structure, preparing meals, and keeping the fires going.  


  • Tundra Herb Mead: Frosthold is renowned for its unique mead, brewed using rare tundra herbs that bloom during the short summer. The herbs are said to have minor restorative properties and a warming effect, making the drink popular among guests recovering from a long day in the cold.
  • Elk Stew: A signature dish of Frosthold, made with Tundra Elk meat, Frost Moss, and root vegetables. It’s a hearty, warm meal designed to fuel adventurers before their expeditions.

Activities and Services:

Frosthold offers more than just accommodations. The inn serves as a hub for exploration and provides various services to travelers:  
  • Guided Expeditions: Some of the more experienced members of the Stonefrost Clan lead guided expeditions into the Cold Wastes. These are often hunting trips for Woolly Mammoths or exploratory journeys to ancient ruins.
  • Maps and Supplies: Olda and her kin are well-versed in the geography of the Cold Wastes, selling hand-drawn maps of the area, which include known dangerous locations, safe paths, and rumored ruins. They also stock essential supplies for surviving in the cold, including enchanted items said to protect travelers from the supernatural dangers of the wastes.
  • Tales and Knowledge: The common hall of Frosthold often becomes a place of storytelling. Travelers share tales of their encounters with Astral Wolves, the Cold Woman, and other local legends. Olda herself is a source of vast knowledge, having heard countless stories and learned of the region’s hidden mysteries.

Reputation and Safety:

While Frosthold is the safest place for travelers in the region, it is not without its dangers. On rare occasions, the inn has been besieged by blizzards, and stories persist of Astral Wolves stalking the perimeter, their ghostly howls echoing in the night. However, the Stonefrost Clan’s fortifications and their knowledge of the land make Frosthold one of the few reliable sanctuaries in the Cold Wastes.   For visitors, Frosthold is not just a place to rest but an essential base of operations, where they can prepare for the rigors of the Cold Wastes and learn from those who have survived its perils.
Frosthold by Chad Watson via Midjourney
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