The Haunting of Hobble Hill

A few miles southeast of the sprawling, shadowy corners of Lankhmar, atop a small knoll named Hobble Hill, sat the quaint home of Hobb, the halfling. Most travelers and caravans passing by paid little attention to this hillock or its diminutive resident. After all, having dealth with a city teeming with rogues, wizards, and treacherous plots, a lone halfling seemed hardly a matter of consequence.  
Hobble Hill by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  But those in the know, those who whispered tales in dimly lit taverns, often spoke of the "hopeless halfling" and the eerie happenings of Hobble Hill.   Hobb hadn't always been hopeless. Once, he was a cheerful merchant, trading in rare spices and exotic trinkets from distant lands. That was until he procured a peculiar amulet from an old crone – a silver pendant with an onyx stone that seemed to pulsate with an uncanny life of its own. Enticed by its beauty and the promise of it bringing good fortune, Hobb willingly paid its exorbitant price.   From the moment the amulet graced his neck, a dark transformation consumed Hobb. The once bustling trade stall lay abandoned, and Hobb became a recluse, rarely seen without the ominous pendant. Whispers began – that Hobb was hearing voices, that shadowy figures visited Hobble Hill at the dead of night, that the very earth there seemed tainted.   One evening, a young thief named Lira, drawn by tales of the mysterious amulet, broke into Hobb's home. She found no signs of life, only a home laden with dust and the palpable weight of despair. In the center of Hobb's living room, the amulet lay – pulsating, beckoning. As Lira reached for it, she was seized by an icy grip. Whirling around, she was met with the hollow eyes of Hobb, or what used to be Hobb. He had become a wretched specter, bound to the amulet, eternally tormented by the very promises it whispered.   In terror, Lira fled, leaving the amulet and the spectral halfling behind. But the vision of that haunted face would remain with her forever.   Word spread of Lira's harrowing encounter, and soon, no one dared approach Hobble Hill. The knoll became a cursed land, with Hobb, the once jovial halfling merchant, forever trapped in his desolate existence, bound to an amulet that promised hope but delivered only eternal despair.   To this day, in the inky shadows of Lankhmar nights, if one listens closely, they might hear the mournful wails of the hopeless halfling atop Hobble Hill, forever longing for release.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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