The Republic of Karja Tal

Once a glorious and strong republic, the Karja Tal region is now scarcely more than a collection of farms, hamlets, and trading posts. The Kingdom of Lankhmar, the Kingdom of Ilthmar, and the Horborixen Empire make loose claim to this region, yet none have challenged one another officially or martially for ownership.   Currently, taxes are not being collected from this region nor military protection is being offered.   There are no official leaders of any sort in this region, however, some individuals within the various hamlets and trading posts are often looked up to and are seen as role models and protectors.


The Sea of Monsters is the primary source of water in this region. Being a fresh-water lake, it provides an abundance of fish and underwater plants that are used in local cuisine. The sea also acts as the primary trading route between Karja Tal, Ildebreth and Hedeby.   The region has both a pine forest, found near the southwestern and western banks of the Sea of Monsters, and an oak forest near the southern banks of the Sea, immediately to the east of Karja Tal.   The land is primarily flat and at sea level, with the exception of rolling hills and bluffs that butt up against the Sea's eastern banks.

Localized Phenomena

Since 3022 RJ, the waters from the Sea of Monsters are acting strangely. The sea level rises and falls, discordant with any lunar or celestial cycle. At times, the grounds within a 5 mile proximity to the Sea of Monsters are somewhat flooded with one to two inches of water. Other times, the sea level recedes below the existing shoreline by as much as two meters. The cause is being researched but thus far, no solid answers are given.


The region has four full seasons of the year, with the summertime highs reaching a high of 83F / 23C and in the wintertime, highs reaching 10 F / - 12 C.   Thunderstorms are most frequent in the summer but have occured in other seasons, albeit rarely. Winterstorms are uncommon, however can be very extreme.


Circa 2200 RJ, six great warlords ruled six small kingdoms near the area of the Sea of Monsters, in the land of Nehwon. These kingdoms were known as:  
  • Karja
  • Premeth
  • Silvani
  • Galgoria
  • Kremeth
  • Devendorum
  The area was collectively knowns as Karja Tal, or the Republic of Karja Tal. Before this empire, the area was known as "The Land of Mnar"1   Fiercely competitive, the warlords resorted to dishonorable methods of vying for control of more area, up to and including an all out inter-kingdom warfare. For two centuries, the skirmish for power endured, until a notable leader emerged from the Kingdom of Karja -- his name was Nom Minar.   Nom Minar saw the futility of the division of the Kingdoms and called together a historical conference among the kings to negotiate a treaty. At this conference, Nom Minar pointed out that the future of the Kingdoms dependd on an alliance. The alliance should be mutually beneficial in defense against larger enemy empires, and should facilitate free trade between the kingdoms. After 21 days of negotiations, the Republic of Karja Tal was born.   Kremeth became the official capital and as such housed the famous Treasury, a safehouse for the taxes and tithes collected throughout the lands. The Treasury not only held these funds, but national artifacts and heirlooms as well. The Treasury was a symbol of power, wealth, and trust amongst the kingdoms.   Naturally, this treasury was heavily guarded. During the negotiations, the kings decided that certain treasures should be more heavily guarded and the rooms in which they were stored should only be accessible by the kings themselves. As the kings did not fully trust any one given person with that wealth that filled this particular vault, the full attendance of all six kings would have to be established in order for this "inner vault" of the Treasury to be accessed. After working with powerful mages, the kings came up with a solution.   The "key" to the vault was designed shortly thereafter. This "key" is actually a life-size golden statue of a warrior. The statue was constructed of six parts--two arms, two legs, a torso, and a head. Each King was given a part, and in essence, the statue would have to be assembled in order for the door to the vault to be opened. Naturally, each part of the statue was a treasure in and of itself, being made of solid gold.   The years wore on and the Republic prospered up until the Horborixen Empire came into power. The Horborixen were extremely imperialistic and aggressive, bent on worldwide domination. The Republic of Karja Tal fought bravely against the Horborixen, however feel after only 60 days of bloody warfare. Each kingdom was subsequently ransacked and the Treasury in Karja was plundered as well, with the exception of the Inner Vault.   During the plundering of the cities, five of the six pieces were taken by the Horborixen. As they were taken by generals of different armies, the pieces were confiscated or sold without the knowledge or understanding that each was the piece of a larger whole. The Inner Vault was well idden and missed during its ransacking, and the treasures within, to this point, have stayed safe.


Archaelogists and historians will visit the ruins of the ancient city of Karja, near the River Imbiss. Treasure hunters are still on the search for the Inner Vault of the famous Treasury from when the Republic of Karja Tal was at its full glory and power.

The Land of Mnar
Karja Tal Republic Political Map by Chad Watson via Inkarnate

Articles under The Republic of Karja Tal

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
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