
The Kingdom of Ebenaria, nestled within the heart of the New World, stands as a proud and flourishing realm under the expansive umbrella of the greater Tôpian Empire. Renowned for its vibrant culture and rich history, Ebenaria is a testament to the resilience and prosperity that can be achieved under the benevolent rule of the Tôpian Empire.   Geographically, Ebenaria is blessed with a diverse landscape that ranges from lush, rolling hills to fertile plains, making it an agricultural haven. The Ebenarian countryside is dotted with sprawling vineyards and orchards, contributing to the kingdom's reputation for producing some of the finest wines and fruits in the New World. The kingdom's natural beauty is complemented by its majestic rivers, which not only nourish the land but also serve as vital trade routes, connecting Ebenaria to its neighbors and facilitating a thriving economy.   At the heart of Ebenaria lies its capital, Meridion, a bustling metropolis that seamlessly blends ancient architectural marvels with modern innovation. The city is characterized by its towering spires, grandiose palaces, and the intricate stonework of its public squares and marketplaces. Meridion is a melting pot of cultures and a center of learning and the arts, home to renowned academies, libraries, and theaters.   The Ebenarian society is known for its high regard for education, arts, and scientific advancements, making it a beacon of enlightenment within the Tôp Empire. The kingdom's universities and research institutions are among the most prestigious, drawing scholars and innovators from across the world to contribute to a growing body of knowledge and technological progress.   Ebenaria's governance is a model of stability and efficiency, with a well-established system of nobility that works in close collaboration with elected councils to ensure the welfare of its citizens. The kingdom is also celebrated for its formidable military, which not only protects its borders but also contributes to the peacekeeping efforts of the Tôpian Empire, ensuring security and stability across the realm.   The people of Ebenaria are known for their hospitality, diverse cultural heritage, and a strong sense of community. Festivals and celebrations are a significant aspect of Ebenarian life, where traditions are cherished, and new ones are embraced, reflecting the dynamic spirit of its people.   In essence, the Kingdom of Ebenaria is a jewel in the crown of the Tôpian Empire, exemplifying the harmony between tradition and progress, nature and civilization, and the collective spirit of its people in forging a prosperous future.


The culture of the citizens of the Kingdom of Ebenaria is a rich tapestry woven from the threads of history, tradition, and a vibrant spirit of innovation. Ebenarians are known for their deep appreciation of beauty, whether found in the arts, nature, or the intricate dance of societal customs.   Hospitality and Community: Ebenarians place great value on hospitality, a trait deeply ingrained in their culture. Visitors are often struck by the warmth and generosity with which they are received, embodying the adage that no guest leaves an Ebenarian home with empty hands or an unfulfilled heart. This sense of community extends beyond mere social gatherings, fostering a strong bond among the citizens, who support one another in times of both celebration and adversity.   Arts and Education: A cornerstone of Ebenarian culture is its commitment to the arts and education. The kingdom boasts numerous academies and conservatories where music, literature, painting, and theater are not only taught but revered. Public performances, art exhibitions, and literary salons are commonplace, making culture accessible to all strata of society. Education is highly valued, with a strong emphasis on the liberal arts and sciences, cultivating a populace that is well-informed, critical in thought, and innovative.   Culinary Traditions: Ebenarian cuisine is a reflection of the kingdom's agricultural bounty and its historical trade connections. The table is a place of communal joy, where dishes made from local produce, fine wines from the kingdom's vineyards, and exotic spices from afar come together. Culinary traditions are not just about sustenance but are a celebration of the land and its harvest, with festivals and feasts marking the seasons and their bounty.   Festivals and Traditions: The Ebenarian calendar is punctuated with festivals that celebrate the turning of the seasons, historical events, and cultural heritage. These festivals are vibrant affairs, featuring music, dance, storytelling, and traditional games, allowing citizens to reconnect with their roots and with one another. Such events often blend the sacred with the secular, showcasing the kingdom's rich tapestry of beliefs and traditions.   Respect for Nature and Magic: Ebenarians have a profound respect for the natural world, which is reflected in their stewardship of the land and the integration of green spaces within their cities. This reverence extends to the mystical, with many Ebenarians holding a belief in the subtle magic that weaves through the natural world. This respect shapes their approach to agriculture, architecture, and daily life, where harmony with nature is sought and cherished.   Diplomacy and Tolerance: Given their kingdom's history and position within the Tôpian Empire, Ebenarians have cultivated a culture of diplomacy and tolerance. They are adept at navigating complex social and political landscapes, valuing peace and stability both within and beyond their borders. This ethos of understanding and cooperation is taught from a young age, fostering a society that looks to resolve conflicts through dialogue and mutual respect.   In essence, the culture of Ebenaria's citizens is a celebration of life's complexities, embracing the past while innovatively forging ahead into the future. It is a culture that cherishes the individual and the community, the tangible and the mystical, creating a society that is as resilient as it is vibrant.

Public Agenda

As a vital member of the Tôpian Empire, the Kingdom of Ebenaria plays a crucial role in safeguarding the New World against the encroachments of The Empire of Kang. Although its military might may not rival that of Thesendarium, Minethol, or Nepon, Ebenaria's contribution is invaluable, providing essential resources such as sustenance, iron ore, magical components, and strategic intelligence that are critical to the collective defense efforts.   Ebenaria skillfully navigates the political tensions between Thesendarium and Minethol, maintaining a stance of neutrality despite repeated entreaties from both to declare allegiance. Leveraging its reputation for astute diplomacy, Ebenaria has consistently excelled in preserving its position, emphasizing its indispensable role in the broader campaign against The Empire of Kang. This strategic diplomacy not only underscores Ebenaria's commitment to peace and stability within the Tôpian Empire but also highlights its adeptness in balancing complex international relations, all while contributing significantly to the common cause.   To the public eye, Ebenaria maintains a strict stance on Mid-World. The kingdom's edicts sternly prohibit any foray into this forsaken territory, painting it as a realm of insurmountable peril and darkness. Tales spun by Ebenarian lorekeepers serve as grim reminders: stories of wandering spirits trapped in eternal despair, forests that whisper secrets meant to drive one mad, and ruins that are the lairs of unspeakable horrors. These narratives are meticulously crafted, not merely for entertainment but as solemn warnings to dissuade the curious and the brave from venturing into the accursed lands.   Yet, beneath this veneer of public censure, the crown of Ebenaria harbors a clandestine fascination with the forbidden expanse. In the secrecy of moonlit councils, the kingdom has sanctioned covert expeditions into the heart of Mid-World. These daring voyages, known only to a select few, are led by the kingdom's most esteemed scholars and knights, veiled under the guise of night and sworn to silence.   The expeditions into Mid-World, though fraught with peril, have yielded treasures beyond the kingdom's wildest imaginings. Artifacts imbued with ancient magics, relics of a bygone era where technology transcended the boundaries of current understanding, have been quietly brought back to the sanctums of Ebenarian study. In hidden chambers and secluded libraries, the kingdom's brightest minds labor tirelessly to unravel the mysteries of these artifacts, seeking to harness their power for the betterment of Ebenaria.   Yet, the kingdom walks a razor's edge, balancing the thirst for knowledge and power with the inherent dangers these expeditions court. Each journey into Mid-World risks not only the lives of those who venture forth but also the fragile barrier that keeps the malevolent forces at bay.   Thus, the tales of Mid-World serve a dual purpose: they instill fear and respect for the unknown in the hearts of the Ebenarian populace, ensuring that the masses steer clear of the cursed lands, while also veiling the kingdom's secret endeavors to tap into the ancient powers that slumber within Mid-World's desolate embrace.   In this dance of shadows and secrets, Ebenaria continues to thrive, its people none the wiser of the delicate balance their rulers maintain. And as the kingdom grows ever more entwined with the mysteries of Mid-World, the line between reverence and fear becomes increasingly blurred, weaving a complex tapestry of power, knowledge, and the unquenchable human spirit.


The Kingdom of Ebenaria, a jewel in the Tôpian Empire, boasts a wealth of assets that contribute to its prosperity, influence, and cultural richness. These assets span from natural resources and strategic locations to advancements in knowledge and the arts.   1. Natural Resources: Ebenaria is blessed with fertile lands, making it a powerhouse of agriculture. The kingdom's vineyards are famed for producing exquisite wines, while its orchards yield succulent fruits. Vast fields of grains and vegetables ensure food security and contribute to a thriving culinary tradition. Beyond agriculture, Ebenaria possesses significant deposits of iron ore, essential for crafting tools, building structures, and manufacturing weapons.   2. Strategic Location: Situated at a crossroads between several key regions within the Tôpian Empire, Ebenaria benefits from its strategic location. Its ports facilitate trade, bringing wealth and exotic goods from distant lands. The kingdom's rivers serve as vital trade routes, enhancing its economic and strategic significance.   3. Cultural Heritage: Ebenaria is a center for arts and education, home to prestigious academies, libraries, and theaters. Its cultural festivals, rich in tradition and history, draw visitors from across the empire. The kingdom's commitment to preserving and advancing its cultural heritage is evident in its vibrant artistic and literary scenes.   4. Technological and Magical Artifacts: Through clandestine expeditions into the enigmatic Mid-World, Ebenaria has acquired an array of artifacts endowed with ancient magic and advanced technology. These artifacts, though shrouded in mystery, hold the potential to revolutionize the kingdom's understanding of magic, science, and the very fabric of reality.   5. Military and Diplomacy: While not the most formidable military power, Ebenaria's armed forces are well-trained and capable, particularly in defensive strategies. The kingdom's true strength lies in its diplomacy, with a long tradition of skillful negotiation and mediation that has earned it respect and influence far beyond its borders.   6. Infrastructure: Ebenaria boasts impressive infrastructure, from well-maintained roads and bridges to sophisticated urban planning in its cities. The capital, Meridion, is a testament to architectural prowess, blending functionality with aesthetic beauty.   7. Human Capital: The people of Ebenaria are its greatest asset. Renowned for their hospitality, innovation, and resilience, Ebenarians contribute to the kingdom's dynamism and prosperity. Their diverse backgrounds and talents enrich the kingdom's social fabric, driving progress in various fields.   Together, these assets form the backbone of Ebenaria's strength and identity, making it an indispensable member of the Tôpian Empire and a beacon of civilization in the New World.


The Kingdom of Ebenaria traces its origins to a time shrouded in the mists of history, when the land was a tapestry of warring tribes and verdant, untamed wilderness. Legend speaks of Ebenar, a visionary leader and unifier, who emerged from the chaos of strife and division. With unparalleled charisma and a keen strategic mind, Ebenar succeeded in forging alliances among the disparate tribes, laying the foundation for what would become Ebenaria.   Under Ebenar's leadership, the tribes consolidated around the fertile valley of Merid, where the great river Eben flowed. This strategic location offered abundant resources and natural defenses, making it an ideal seat of power. The first settlement, Meridion, was established, named in honor of the land's bounty and its pivotal role in the unification of the tribes.   As the settlement grew, so too did its influence. Ebenar's successors continued his legacy of diplomacy and expansion, gradually extending their dominion over the surrounding lands. The kingdom's fertile plains allowed for the cultivation of vineyards and orchards, leading to a flourishing agrarian economy. Trade routes were established, connecting Ebenaria with distant lands and cultures, bringing wealth and knowledge into the kingdom.   The discovery of iron ore deposits further fueled Ebenaria's ascent, enabling the crafting of tools and weapons that bolstered both its economy and military might. With stability and prosperity, the arts and sciences flourished, attracting scholars, artists, and innovators. Ebenaria became a beacon of enlightenment, its capital Meridion a hub of cultural and intellectual activity.   As centuries passed, Ebenaria's influence grew, and it became a key player in the region's politics. Its strategic alliances and diplomatic prowess led to its inclusion in the greater Tôpian Empire, marking a new chapter in its history. As part of the empire, Ebenaria continued to thrive, balancing its rich heritage with its role on the larger stage of empire politics.   The kingdom's history is a testament to the vision of its founders and the resilience of its people. From a land of fragmented tribes to a prosperous and influential kingdom, Ebenaria's journey is one of unity, growth, and the enduring spirit of its people.

"For Harmony, Knowledge, and Prosperity"

Founding Date
111 RJ
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Economic System
Market economy
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Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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