
Jing-Shanwei rests in the Verdant Range's comforting clasp, at the far eastern edge of The Empire of Kang. This village, a verdant mosaic of terraced rice paddies and meandering streams, has thrived under the ancient, snow-capped sentinels for generations. Its dwellings, with roofs arching skyward like lotus petals to greet the dawn, stand as a testament to a people in harmony with their surroundings, the structures themselves a blend of local stone and forest timber, graced with carvings that tell of valor and mythical beasts.   Where once the Tower of Tôp soared, now stands the Great Pavilion of Harmony, a beacon of the village’s communal spirit and its enduring guardian. Its silhouette casts a symbolic shadow that once promised destiny, now offering a place for contemplation and gathering.   The craftsmanship and agricultural prowess of Jing-Shanwei's residents are empire-renowned. Their hands shape fine porcelain and weave robust silk, while their fields yield the sun-infused Golden Millet and Jade Barley. These products of earth and artisanship are as much a part of the village’s identity as the surrounding landscape.   The rhythm of life here pulses with the seasons. The spring heralds planting, summer watches over growth, autumn celebrates the harvest, and winter invites introspection. Each season stitches a pattern of cultural and spiritual richness into the village fabric, binding the community in a shared, enduring tapestry of existence.   Jing-Shanwei has always been more than its traditions and beauty; it is a bastion of resilience. The same mountains that embrace it have fostered a legacy of self-reliance and strength, shaping its people into vigilant stewards of their land.   Today, Jing-Shanwei continues to embody the harmony of its landscapes and the tenacity of its people. It remains a living gem within The Empire of Kang, ever nurturing the seeds of greatness that arise from its fertile ground.


Founded in the year 2101 RJ, Jing-Shanwei's history is as intricate and rich as the tapestries for which it is famed. Initially, it was merely a congregation of nomadic tribes who were drawn to the area by the Verdant Range's bountiful resources. They discovered the fertile valleys nestled among the mountains, where streams ran like silver ribbons through the landscape, nourishing the earth and giving life to the lush terraces that would define Jing-Shanwei's future.   As the tribes settled and their bond with the land deepened, they erected the first structures, blending stone and timber in homage to nature's balance. The community thrived, cultivating rice and barley and mastering crafts that caught the eye of traders on the Silk Road. Jing-Shanwei became a node of cultural exchange, its artisans' works spreading far beyond the mountains that cradled them.   With the passage of centuries, the village expanded, its identity interwoven with the cycle of seasons and the festivals that marked them. The Pavilion of Harmony, constructed much later, came to symbolize the unity and spirit of Jing-Shanwei—a testament to the enduring legacy of a village that began with the simplest desire for sustenance and community.

Points of interest

Jing-Shanwei, with its rich history and vibrant culture, boasts several points of interest that reflect its heritage and the natural beauty of its surroundings:  
  • The Great Pavilion of Harmony:

    This central structure is not only a meeting place for the villagers but also serves as a symbol of the community's unity and resilience. It hosts various cultural events and is a focal point during festivals.
  • The Terraced Rice Fields of Emerald Steppe:

    These cascading fields are a testament to the agricultural ingenuity of Jing-Shanwei's people. They offer a breathtaking view, especially during the harvest season when they become a patchwork of golden hues.
  • The Artisan Quarter:

    Here, visitors can watch skilled craftsmen at work, creating delicate porcelain and weaving silk that is renowned throughout the empire. The quarter is also home to markets where these goods are sold alongside other local handicrafts.
  • The Verdant Range Lookout:

    Positioned at the edge of the village, this lookout provides panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. It is a popular spot for both locals and travelers seeking to connect with the tranquil beauty of nature.
  • The Stream of Whispering Waters:

    This stream is famous for the clarity and purity of its waters. It is believed by locals to have healing properties and is often visited by those seeking quiet contemplation.
  • The Festival Grounds:

    Situated near the Pavilion of Harmony, this area is used for seasonal celebrations. The grounds come alive with color and music during festivals, offering a glimpse into the village's cultural soul.
  • The Granary and Brewery:

    Jing-Shanwei's granary stores the Golden Millet and Jade Barley, while the adjacent brewery is known for crafting ales and spirits that embody the essence of the land's fertility.
  • The Library of Ancestors:

    A repository of the village’s history and the wisdom of generations, the library contains ancient texts, scrolls, and artifacts that chronicle the evolution of Jing-Shanwei and the region at large.
  • The Garden of Contemplation:

    A serene space filled with local flora, tranquil ponds, and artfully placed stones, this garden is a retreat for meditation and relaxation.
  • The Warriors' Training Grounds:

    Reflecting the village's martial heritage, these grounds are where the art of defense is taught and practiced, preserving the techniques passed down through the ages.
  Each of these points of interest contributes to Jing-Shanwei’s allure, making it not just a destination for those seeking knowledge of The Empire of Kang’s easternmost territories, but also for those drawn to the enchantment of a place where history, culture, and nature intertwine.
Jin-Shanwei by Chad Watson via Fantasy Town Generator
Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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