Nehwon's Calendar

Newhon's Calendar

14-Year Cycle

  There is a 14-year cycle that is recognized mostly by Nehwon's astrologers, but by some common citizens as well, especially those who pay attention to the advice of astrologers and soothsayers.   Each year of the cycle has a designated name and is known as the "Year of the [insert name]". The name of the year is so given due to a major encounter or incident that affected large portions of the population in Nehwon. It wasn't until the years between 1906 RJ and 1919 RJ that all 14 year-cycles were recognized, having taken 1917 years to fully establish the present-day recognized cycle. Interestingly enough, each of these major events that arose throughout the centuries fell on years where the 14 year cycle of the previous event would not be intruded upon. This interesting fact does not surprise Master Astrologers, as they knew after the Year of The Feathered King that such a large synodic cycle was in store for Nehwon's future and thus calculated the cycles to be 14 years each to accommodate the future occuring events.  

The names of the years in order are:

  • Year of the Basilisk. First recognized in 1011 RJ. Next year 3027 RJ.
  • Year of the Horde. First recognized in 1082 RJ. Next year 3028 RJ.
  • Year of the Leviathan. First recognized in 1139 RJ. Next year 3029 RJ.
  • Year of the Roc. First recognized in 1154 RJ. Next year 3030 RJ.
  • Year of the Dragon. First recognized in 1197 RJ. Next year 3031 RJ.
  • Year of the Behemoth. First recognized in 1240 RJ. Next year 3032 RJ.
  • Year of the Ogre. First recognized in 1367 RJ. Next year 3033 RJ.
  • Year of the Gorgon. First recognized in 1424 RJ. Next year 3034 RJ.
  • Year of the Lamia. First recognized in 1593 RJ. Next year 3035 RJ.
  • Year of the Sea Serpent. First recognized in 1734 RJ. Current year 3022 RJ.
  • Year of the Titan. First recognized in 1805 RJ. Next year 3023 RJ.
  • Year of the Burning Mountain. First recognized in 1848 RJ. Next year 3024 RJ.
  • Year of the White Angel. First recognized in 1919 RJ. Next year 3025 RJ.
    Astrologically, each named year cycle seems to set the theme for that year. For example, the year 3022 RJ is The Year of the Sea Serpent. During this year, themes involving the element of water, the depths of which contain secrets that have been hidden, similar to the depths of the seas. During this time, things that have been hidden may be once again revealed and when they are, the secrets become as venemous as a serpent to those who are affected by their revelations. Flows of creativity abound amongst the lands and waves of emotion may overtake the collective consciousness. A description of each of these years can be found on the Astrology page.

Historical Details


Record, Public

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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