
The storied House of Rūhn ascended to the throne of the Kingdom of Menethil in the year 792 AQ, during an era marked by tumultuous power struggles and the fragmentation of the land. The House of Rūhn was not the most powerful among the noble families vying for control, but it was renowned for its shrewd diplomacy and the rare ability to unite disparate factions.   The founder of the royal line, Emeric Rūhn, was a charismatic leader and a skilled negotiator who managed to forge an alliance with the influential Guild of Mages and the revered Order of the Sentinel Knights. With this formidable backing, Emeric Rūhn orchestrated a peaceful coup, outmaneuvering his rivals not through force but through a series of strategic marriages, promises of reform, and political maneuvering that secured him the crown.   The early rule of the House of Rūhn was defined by Emeric's vision of a centralized power that could bring stability to a fractured kingdom. His establishment of a codified system of laws and the creation of a council of advisors drawn from various sectors of society were revolutionary at the time and laid the groundwork for sustained governance.   The House of Rūhn's continued rule for over 3200 years can be attributed to several key factors:  
  • Dynastic Marriages:

    The Rūhns often strengthened their position through marriages that both expanded their influence and secured alliances with powerful families across the land and even with other kingdoms.
  • Military Prowess:

    Each generation of the Rūhn dynasty was trained in warfare and strategy, ensuring that the kingdom was well-defended against both external invasions and internal revolts.
  • Economic Stability:

    The House of Rūhn implemented policies that promoted trade, encouraged innovation, and secured Menethil’s wealth, making it an economic powerhouse that could weather political and social upheavals.
  • Cultural Patronage:

    By fostering the arts, sciences, and religion, the Rūhns cultivated a strong national identity and loyalty among their subjects, which in turn solidified their rule.
  • Legal and Administrative Reform:

    Continuous reform of the legal and administrative systems ensured that governance was efficient and adapted to changing times, keeping the kingdom stable and the populace content.
  • Espionage and Information Control:

    The Rūhns understood the power of information. They established a network of spies and informants throughout the kingdom and beyond to thwart plots against them before they could take hold.
  • Divine Legitimacy:

    The Rūhns claimed divine favor, often asserted through public rituals, ceremonies,

Eninenth-Hoil (9th House)

Founding Date
792 AQ
Alternative Names
RHHN (an old way to spell Rūhn in ancient Minetholian)
Family Leader

Articles under Rūhn

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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