Shark God

The Shark God: Guardian of the Waters in Ilthmar and Simorgya
  In the mystical realm of Nehwon, where ancient cities and enigmatic deities hold sway, the Shark God reigns supreme as the guardian of the watery domains surrounding the cities of Ilthmar and Simorgya. This formidable deity, revered by sailors and seafarers, embodies the raw power and unforgiving beauty of the oceans that surround these coastal cities.  
Origins and Mythos
  The origins of the Shark God are veiled in the mists of Nehwon's distant past. Legend has it that the deity emerged from the depths of the sea, born from the very essence of the ocean's fury and majesty. Some believe that the Shark God was once a mortal who ascended to divinity through acts of unmatched courage and valor at sea.  
Guardian of the Seas
  The Shark God is venerated as the guardian of the seas and all who sail upon them. Sailors from Ilthmar and Simorgya invoke the deity's name before embarking on perilous voyages, offering prayers for safe passage and protection from the tempestuous waters that surround their cities. It is said that the Shark God's watchful eyes span the entirety of the ocean, keeping a vigilant gaze on those who venture into its depths.  
The Shark Totem
  The Shark God is often depicted as a colossal shark, its jaws agape in a fearsome display of power. The shark totem is a symbol of strength, courage, and the unyielding determination needed to navigate the treacherous waters that embrace Ilthmar and Simorgya. It adorns ships, flags, and temples dedicated to the deity, serving as a talisman against the perils of the sea.  
Cult of the Shark God
  The worship of the Shark God is deeply ingrained in the maritime culture of Ilthmar and Simorgya. The Cult of the Shark God conducts rituals and ceremonies on the shores of the cities, invoking the deity's blessings and seeking favor for their endeavors at sea. Devotees offer sacrifices in the form of precious gems and pearls, believing that these offerings are carried to the depths of the ocean to appease the deity.  
Protector and Enforcer
  The Shark God is not only a guardian but also an enforcer of the natural order of the sea. It is said that those who harm the oceans or its creatures incur the deity's wrath, facing storms and tempests as punishment. Conversely, those who revere and protect the waters are believed to receive the Shark God's benevolence, with calm seas and bountiful catches blessing their voyages.  
  In the cities of Ilthmar and Simorgya, the Shark God reigns as a symbol of both the awe-inspiring power and the unpredictable capriciousness of the ocean. Sailors and fishermen pay homage to this mighty deity, recognizing the fine line between survival and peril that defines their lives on the water. The Shark God's enduring presence serves as a reminder that in Nehwon, the deities are intimately woven into the daily lives of its inhabitants, especially those who dare to venture beyond the safety of the shore.
Chaotic Neutral

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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