Silver Dragon Lair and Ixian Bastion

This facility is built into a naturally forming ice cave on the southern side of Sparrow Mountain. The ice cave has been modified by magic, with the help of two Frost Giant Ice Shapers that reside within the sinkhole found at the bottom rear of the main cave (the sinkhole is called "The Drain" by the Giants and by the Ixians)


The entry is an expansive cave that has several large and prominent clusters of stalagtites and stalagmites. To enter the cave, one must somehow get to its entrance. The lower lip of the cave is at altitude 7,286. Steep and deep inclines of "snow gravel" lead up to this lower lip, beginning at 20 feet below its edge. Anyone attempting to climb through this snow-gravel must succeed an Athletics and Acrobatics or risk falling further down the side of the mountain.

Sensory & Appearance

The cave appears to be made entirely of ice. In reality, the granite mountain cave walls are covered in ice that varies in depth, from 30 feet to 120 feet.   It is extremely cold within the cave, reaching low temperatures of -20 F / -28.9 C at night, and 18 F / -7.8 C by day. Occasionally, a wind gust will find its way into the downward titled cave, however it is uncommon and rarely lasts for more than 10 minutes.


  • 3 mated pairs of Giant Eagles reside in small cave that's at the easternmost side of the entrance cave, 40 feet east of the mouth of the cage, and about 60 feet above the bottom of the entry cave. These eagles hunt and feed the silver dragon wyrmlings several times throughout the day.
  • 2 Frost Giant Ice Shapers reside within "The Drain". There is a entry into their lair about 40 feet down from the edge of the Drain on its southeastern most face. These two Giants serve as protectors of the entire lair.


In the main chamber of the Silver Dragon's lair, the floor is almost entirely covered with a vast collection of 1,500,000 Silver Smerduks. These coins are mostly in a single layer, with only a few spots where they are double-stacked. While this is just the start of a much larger hoard, it's an impressive foundation. Scattered throughout the chamber, there are eight elegant silver statues, alongside 60 diverse silver items such as candlesticks, swords, and decorative shields, adding to the splendor. Additionally, the lair houses three unique magical items, the nature of which is left to the discretion of the Dungeon Master.
by Chad Watson
Entrance to the Ice Cave : Domain of the White Dragons by Chad Watson via Procreate
Founding Date
3018 RJ
Environmental Effects
Very cold in the main chamber and the dragons' lair. The Ixian Bastion has been magically enhanced to create a temperate climate of about 64 degrees day and night. At times, the mouth of the cave can be buried in large sheets of snow and ice, which are usually caused by avalanches. The same effect can be created by the Frost Giant Ice Shapers for purposes of concealment, thought this is rarely done as the location of this lair is extremely, extremely, extremely remote.
Owning Organization

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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