Nehwon a Nehwonian Multiverse, in play since 1985.

Samstag, 17 Zepter 3022

M'Brell, also known as Nehwon, is a diminutive planet orbiting an orange dwarf star named Sonne. This world has two moons: a prominent, visible one named The Traveler, and a distant, almost imperceptible one called The Dark Lady.   The continent of Nehwon, perceived as the northwesternmost landmass on standard maps, is the main known world to its inhabitants. They, largely oblivious to the broader world their continent is part of, have named the planet "Nehwon." However, learned individuals like sages and scholars recognize the planet's true name as M'Brell.   The current ruler of the Kingdom of Lankhmar on Nehwon is King Edwynn Werrish II. Known for his aggressive and militaristic demeanor, he aims to annex the neighboring kingdoms of Western Nehwon. Diplomatic relations between Lankhmar and these kingdoms are tense. While open warfare hasn't erupted, it's a widely anticipated event. Lankhmar's navy is rapidly expanding, its army is growing, diplomatic interactions are becoming frostier, and espionage activities among the kingdoms have spiked to unprecedented levels.   As an adventurer in this world, your journey begins somewhere on Nehwon's continent. From there, your path is yours to choose, filled with potential alliances, conflicts, and discoveries.  
16 Zepter 3022 by Chad Watson
Lankhmar Region
Sundered from us by gulfs of time and stranger dimensions dreams the ancient world of Nehwon with its towers and skulls and jewels, its swords and sorceries. Nehwon's known realms crowd about the Inner Sea: northward the green-forested fierce Land of the Eight Cities, eastward the steppe-dwelling Mingol horsemen and the desert where caravans creep from the rich Eastern Lands and the River Tilth. But southward, linked to the desert only by the Sinking Land and further warded by the Great Dike and the Mountains of Hunger, are the rich grain fields and walled cities of Lankhmar, eldest and chiefest of Nehwon's lands. Dominating the Land of Lankhmar and crouching at the silty mouth of the River Hlal in a secure corner between the grain fields, the Great Salt Marsh, and the Inner Sea is the massive-walled and mazy-alleyed metropolis of Lankhmar, thick with thieves and shaven priests, lean-framed magicians and fat-bellied merchants—Lankhmar the Imperishable, the City of the Black Toga. (From "Induction" by Fritz Leiber)   (Note: For real world size reference, the Island of Lankhmaria is roughly the size of South Korea)


Heretic RPG

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Nehwon hasn't had dragons for millennia, but that's about to change.

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