M'Brell (ehm-brell)

The planet M'Brell consists of several large continents, a few dozen large islands, and a super-continent.   The name of the planet depends on the culture and people you are speaking with. In the northwesternmost part of the planet, the continent of Nehwon is perceived by most of its denizens to be the entirety of the planet, as they are unaware of other continents beyond it. As such, Nehwonians call the planet "Nehwon".


M'Brell has the same radius and surface area of the planet Mercury (r = 1527 miles; SA = 4.6476701 × 107 miles2).


  • M'Brell
Alternative Name(s)
Allaria, Mid-World, Nehwon, Tachavia, Mother, Father, Tôp
Included Locations

Articles under M'Brell

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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