The Black Swan

In the bustling center of Karja Tal stands the Black Swan Inn, a beloved establishment that serves as a vital part of the town's daily life. The Black Swan is more than just a place to eat and sleep—it's a gathering point, a social hub, and a second home to many of Karja Tal's residents.  
A Welcoming Refuge
The Black Swan Inn is a sturdy, two-story building made of timber and stone, its weathered walls speaking of countless stories and memories. The inn’s facade, marked by the emblem of a black swan, is an iconic sight along the town’s main road. Flower boxes brimming with vibrant blooms frame the entrance, and lanterns cast a warm glow, inviting all who pass by to step inside.   Upon entering, guests are greeted by the comforting warmth of a large common room. The low wooden beams, the flickering fire in the hearth, and the rich aromas of hearty food create an atmosphere that is both welcoming and familiar. Long wooden tables fill the room, where patrons gather to share meals, stories, and the latest news from around the town and beyond. The Black Swan's kitchen is famous for its generous portions and flavorful dishes, with offerings ranging from savory stews to freshly baked bread, all complemented by the inn’s renowned ale.  
A Hub for Locals and Travelers Alike
The Black Swan is not just an inn; it's the social heart of Karja Tal. Each day, locals come together here, whether to conduct business, exchange gossip, or simply enjoy the company of friends and neighbors. The innkeeper, a seasoned host with a sharp ear for the latest happenings, ensures that every guest feels at home, whether they are a lifelong resident or a visitor from afar.   For travelers, the Black Swan is a haven of comfort. The inn offers a range of accommodations, from simple shared rooms to more private quarters for those who seek a bit more luxury. The beds are soft and clean, and the staff is always attentive to the needs of each guest. Many an adventurer has begun or ended their journey within these walls, where tales of daring and distant lands are shared late into the night.  
A Legacy of Community
The Black Swan has a reputation that stretches far beyond the borders of Karja Tal. It is known for more than just its excellent food and drink; it is celebrated for the sense of community it fosters. Travelers in need of guidance or companionship often find both at the Black Swan, where the locals are always ready with a kind word or helpful advice.   The inn also plays a crucial role in the life of the town. Important decisions are often made within its walls, with town meetings frequently held in the common room. The innkeeper, though outwardly a humble host, is a key figure in Karja Tal, often called upon to mediate disputes or share valuable information with those who seek it.  
A Place of Adventure
For adventurers, the Black Swan holds a special allure. The inn is often the starting point for expeditions into the wilds surrounding Karja Tal, and its notice board is filled with requests for aid, job opportunities, and sometimes cryptic messages that hint at hidden dangers or treasures. Those who linger at the Black Swan may find themselves drawn into the web of intrigue that surrounds the town, where alliances shift and danger is never far away.

Purpose / Function

The Black Swan Inn was originally constructed in 2228 RJ, 794 years ago, by Darius Voss, a prominent merchant who sought to establish a residence and trading post in the burgeoning settlement of Karja Tal. The building was initially a grand manor, reflecting the wealth and status of the Voss family. Darius used the manor to host traders, negotiate deals, and store valuable goods that passed through the town on their way to distant markets.   For many years, the manor was the center of commerce and social activity in Karja Tal. The grand hall, now the inn’s common room, was once the site of opulent feasts and gatherings of the town’s elite. The rooms that now accommodate weary travelers were once private chambers for the Voss family and their guests.   As the Voss family's influence declined over the centuries, the manor's purpose evolved. The once-grand residence gradually transformed into a public house and inn. This change was driven by the shifting needs of Karja Tal's growing population and the steady increase in travelers passing through the town. By the time the manor was repurposed, it had already become known as the Black Swan, named after the rare and graceful black swans that were once a common sight near the town’s river.


The Black Swan, Main Floor by Chad Watson via Roll20
Shape and Dimensions:
  The Black Swan Inn's interior is a marvel of magical engineering, its true grandeur hidden behind an unassuming exterior. Though the inn appears to be a modest 36 feet by 66 feet from the outside, stepping through its ordinary doorway reveals a sprawling interior of 90 feet by 85 feet. This spatial anomaly is the result of a variation of "Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion," a powerful spell cast shortly after the historic event known as "The Heroes' Last Stand" in 2731 RJ.   Inside, the inn is maintained by a staff of near-invisible servants, spectral beings who only emerge when the inn is closed for business, or when a guest has vacated their room. These servants are utterly dedicated to their tasks, ensuring that the inn is always immaculate, the beds freshly made, the fires burning just right, and the kitchen spotless—all without ever being seen.   Over the years, many locals have been intrigued by the mysterious, unseen staff of the Black Swan Inn, sparking numerous tales of those who have attempted to catch a glimpse of these elusive servants. One of the most famous stories tells of a traveling bard who was determined to outwit the servants. After hearing tales of their impeccable cleaning, he decided to test their mettle. One night, he scattered flour across his room, set up bells on strings, and even placed ink traps near the door. Confident that he would catch them in the act, he went out for the evening. When he returned, however, the room was spotless. The flour had been cleaned, the bells hadn’t made a sound, and the ink traps were untouched. However, the bard couldn’t help but notice that his boots were filled with flour, his strings had been tied into intricate knots, and his ink was carefully arranged to spell out the word "Nice try!" The bard left the Black Swan Inn both amused and impressed, convinced that the servants were not only invisible but also had a playful sense of humor.   But the most remarkable story involves a young girl named Anwen, who managed to do what no one else had—she saw one of the nearly invisible servants. Anwen was the daughter of a local baker, often left to her own devices while her father worked. She would spend her afternoons exploring the town, and one day, she found herself in the Black Swan Inn. Curious about the tales she had heard, Anwen decided to stay behind after the inn closed, determined to catch a glimpse of the mysterious servants.   As she hid beneath a table in the empty dining hall, she finally saw one—a faint, shimmering figure, almost transparent, sweeping the floor. Unlike the others who had tried to see the servants, Anwen didn't jump out or call attention to herself. Instead, she watched quietly, her curiosity tempered with respect. Over time, she returned, again and again, her presence unnoticed by the innkeeper or guests.   The servant she saw, whom she eventually named Lirien, was not merely a magical construct but a sentient being, aware of the world around him. Lirien had once been a skilled craftsman who had dedicated his life to the creation of intricate magical items. However, a failed experiment with a powerful enchantment had bound his essence to the Black Swan Inn. Unlike the other servants, who were purely magical creations, Lirien retained a sense of self and a deep, though solitary, awareness.   Anwen’s quiet observations soon turned into a kind of secret friendship. She would leave small gifts for Lirien—a flower, a tiny book, or a trinket—finding them later carefully moved, as if in silent thanks. Eventually, Lirien revealed himself fully to her, his near-invisible form becoming slightly more substantial in her presence. Though he could not speak, they communicated in a way beyond words, a bond formed between two lonely souls.   Anwen’s encounters with Lirien remained her secret, a hidden truth in a town full of speculation. She never told a soul, understanding that some things were better left in the quiet corners of the world. The friendship she shared with Lirien became one of her most cherished memories, a reminder that magic, in all its forms, could be both wondrous and deeply human.  
The ceiling is constructed from robust, aged oak beams that span the length and width of the room, providing both structural support and a sense of warmth and tradition. Between the beams, the ceiling is covered with smooth, whitewashed plaster, which reflects the soft, flickering light from the lanterns and the two large fireplaces, creating a cozy atmosphere. The oak beams are adorned with intricate carvings of traditional motifs like swans, vines, and heraldic symbols, adding a touch of artistry and history to the room.  
The floor of the main room is made of rich, dark oak planks, meticulously polished to a smooth, glossy finish. The deep brown wood adds warmth to the room, complementing the dark beams overhead. The oak floor creaks pleasantly underfoot, a testament to its age and the countless feet that have walked upon it over the centuries. In high-traffic areas, particularly near the hearths and the entrance, thick, woven rugs in deep reds and greens provide added comfort and warmth.  
The walls are built from the same granite as the exterior, with large, rugged stones forming a sturdy, protective enclosure. The granite is a blend of grays with subtle flecks of mica, giving the walls a slightly shimmering appearance in the right light. The lower portion of the walls is lined with dark oak wainscoting, which matches the floor and beams, creating a cohesive and inviting environment. The walls are adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of local history, mounted weapons, and a few well-chosen paintings of the surrounding countryside.  
Two huge 10-foot wide fireplaces dominate the east and west sides of the room, each with a massive stone hearth that serves as a gathering place for patrons. The fireplaces are constructed from the same rugged granite as the walls, with ornate oak mantels carved with intricate designs. These hearths are the heart of the inn, where people gather to warm themselves, share tales of adventure, and enjoy the company of others. The crackling of the wood and the warmth of the fire create a welcoming atmosphere, making these spots particularly popular during the colder months.  
The room is illuminated by wrought-iron chandeliers that hang from the ceiling beams, each holding multiple candles that cast a warm, inviting glow across the space. Additional lighting is provided by wall sconces placed at regular intervals around the room, ensuring that even the far corners are well-lit. The fireplaces also contribute to the lighting, their flames adding a dynamic, flickering light that enhances the cozy, communal feeling of the room.  
There are small, intimate tables that can seat two people, perfect for a quiet conversation or a shared meal. Medium-sized tables that can hold four people are scattered throughout the room, ideal for small groups of friends or travelers. Additionally, there are larger tables that can comfortably seat up to eight people, often used by larger parties or for communal dining experiences.   Adding to the eclectic charm of the inn, there are two plush couches near one of the fireplaces. These couches, with their well-worn upholstery and cozy cushions, seem more suited to a private home than a bustling inn, yet they provide a comforting spot for patrons looking to relax in front of the fire. A long wooden bench runs along the wall near the other fireplace, offering additional seating for those who wish to warm themselves by the flames. The mix of seating options, from the sturdy oak tables to the inviting couches, creates a welcoming and versatile space where guests can find the perfect spot to suit their needs.  
Additional Features:
  • Bar: Along the northern side of the room is a long, polished oak bar where drinks are served. Behind the bar, shelves are stocked with bottles of ale, wine, and spirits, along with mugs, tankards, and goblets. The bar area is well-lit, with a few smaller lanterns hanging overhead, making it a focal point for those seeking refreshment.
  • Notice Board: Near the entrance, a large wooden notice board is mounted on the wall. This board is often crowded with job postings, announcements, and messages, serving as a hub of information for both locals and travelers.
  • Staircase: At the far end of the room, a wide oak staircase leads up to the second floor, where the guest rooms are located. The staircase is built with the same dark oak as the other woodwork in the inn, with a carved railing that adds a touch of elegance to the otherwise rustic setting.
  The main floor of the Black Swan Inn is designed to be both functional and welcoming, a place where the rich history of Karja Tal is evident in every beam, stone, and detail. The large dimensions of the room, the warmth of the dark oak floor, and the inviting glow of the two massive fireplaces make it the perfect gathering spot for locals and travelers alike. Whether you're seeking a warm meal, good company, or a place to rest your feet by the fire, the Black Swan Inn offers a timeless and comforting refuge.


There is only 1 entrance on the south side of the main floor. There are no windows.

Sensory & Appearance

When someone steps through the heavy wooden doors of the Black Swan Inn, they are immediately enveloped by a warm and welcoming atmosphere that engages all their senses.  
As they enter, their eyes are greeted by the soft, golden glow of candlelight illuminating the large, rectangular room. The dark oak floor stretches out before them, polished to a warm sheen that reflects the flicker of the flames from the two massive fireplaces on the east and west walls. These hearths dominate the space, their fires crackling and sending up occasional sparks that dance in the air. The walls, made of rugged granite with dark oak wainscoting, are adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of local history, giving the room a sense of depth and character. A variety of tables, from small and intimate to large and communal, are scattered throughout the room, each inviting guests to sit and stay awhile. In one corner, the cozy, well-worn couches near the fireplace add a homely touch, while the long wooden bench provides additional seating. The overall effect is one of warmth, comfort, and rustic charm.  
The air is thick with the mouthwatering aroma of hearty stews simmering in the kitchen, freshly baked bread, and roasting meats. A subtle scent of burning wood and rich, earthy oak from the floor and beams mixes with these culinary delights, creating an olfactory experience that is both comforting and invigorating. There is no foul stench of death here; instead, the smells are inviting, promising warmth, sustenance, and perhaps a pint of the inn’s famous ale. Occasionally, the faint, sweet scent of herbs or spices can be detected, adding complexity to the overall aroma.  
Upon entering, a pleasant warmth immediately wraps around them, a stark contrast to the cold outside. The heat from the two large fireplaces fills the room, creating a cozy, almost enveloping sensation. The air is not stifling, but comfortably warm, inviting guests to shed their cloaks and settle in. The wooden floor underfoot is solid and smooth, with a reassuring sturdiness that adds to the inn’s sense of permanence and safety. The furniture, made of well-crafted oak, feels solid and enduring, while the cushioned couches by the fire offer a soft, welcoming place to relax.  
The room is alive with the sound of crackling fires, the gentle murmur of conversation, and the occasional burst of laughter. The ambient noise is comforting, a background hum of life and camaraderie. Wooden chairs scrape softly against the oak floor as patrons adjust their seats, and the clink of mugs and cutlery adds to the lively atmosphere. There is no eerie music box or haunting melody—just the natural, pleasant sounds of a bustling inn where people gather to share stories and enjoy each other’s company. On particularly busy nights, a bard might be playing a lively tune on a lute, adding music to the mix, but even then, it’s cheerful and inviting rather than eerie.  
The lighting in the Black Swan Inn is soft and warm, primarily coming from the wrought-iron chandeliers that hang from the oak beams overhead, each holding multiple candles. These chandeliers provide a steady, comforting light that fills the room without being harsh or overwhelming. Additional light comes from the wall sconces placed at regular intervals, which help to illuminate the corners of the room. The two large fireplaces also contribute to the lighting, casting a dynamic, flickering glow that enhances the room’s cozy atmosphere. Shadows dance on the walls, but they are soft and comforting, adding to the inn’s rustic charm.


1. The Voss Family Heirloom Chest
Hidden away in a secure, private room behind the bar, the inn houses an ancient chest that once belonged to the Voss family, the original owners who built the Black Swan as a manor house. This chest is made of dark oak, reinforced with iron bands, and is rumored to contain various items of immense historical value, including:  
  • Darius Voss's Ledger: A detailed account of the early trade dealings that helped establish Karja Tal as a thriving town. This ledger is a vital piece of local history.
  • A Rare Map: A hand-drawn map of the region, including the original layout of Karja Tal and some of the surrounding wilderness. This map is particularly valuable to historians and adventurers alike.
2. The Obsidian Idol
Despite the curse it supposedly brought upon the inn in 2499 RJ, the obsidian idol from the tale of the cursed adventurers is still kept within the inn, albeit securely hidden. The innkeeper has placed the idol in a secret compartment within the cellar, far from the prying eyes of guests. This item is a small, intricately carved figure of a humanoid who is melting, made entirely of black obsidian. It’s both a valuable artifact and a dark relic, believed by some to be worth a fortune, though few dare to claim it due to its cursed history.  
3. The Plaque of the Heroes’ Last Stand
Mounted on the wall near one of the large fireplaces is a bronze plaque commemorating the defenders who made their last stand at the Black Swan during the orc siege of 2731 RJ. This plaque is a symbol of courage and sacrifice and is considered priceless by the people of Karja Tal. It is one of the inn’s most cherished possessions, not for its material worth, but for what it represents—a tangible connection to the town’s history and the heroes who saved it.  
4. The Sword of Sir Alden Greyhawk
Displayed above the hearth of one of the large fireplaces is the sword of Sir Alden Greyhawk, the knight who led the defense during the orc siege. This sword is an exquisite piece of craftsmanship, with a blade of folded steel and a hilt inlaid with silver and mother-of-pearl. The sword is both a valuable weapon and a revered symbol of the town’s resilience. It is often admired by patrons, and many consider it the inn’s greatest treasure.  
5. The Silver Tankard
Kept behind the bar, the Silver Tankard is a beautifully engraved drinking vessel that has been passed down through generations of innkeepers. This tankard is used only on special occasions, such as the Festival of Lights or significant town celebrations. It is made of pure silver, with intricate engravings of swans, vines, and a coat of arms that once belonged to the Voss family. The tankard is both a symbol of the inn’s heritage and a functional piece of art.  
6. The Festival Candelabrum
Stored carefully in a locked cabinet when not in use, the Festival Candelabrum is a large, ornate piece made of gold-plated brass, used during the annual Festival of Lights. This candelabrum holds seven large candles, each representing a different virtue celebrated by the townspeople. It is adorned with precious stones—rubies, sapphires, and emeralds—that catch the light beautifully when the candles are lit. The candelabrum is a treasured ceremonial object, used to mark the start of the festival each year.  
7. The Adventurers’ Ledger
In the inn’s private library, a thick, leather-bound ledger is kept, chronicling the names, deeds, and fates of adventurers who have passed through the Black Swan over the centuries. This ledger is considered priceless to those who value the history of the inn and the many tales that have begun or ended within its walls. It is a resource for scholars, historians, and adventurers alike, containing not just names and dates, but also sketches, maps, and notes about various quests and discoveries.   These valuables, whether hidden away or proudly displayed, are integral to the identity of the Black Swan Inn. They represent the inn’s deep connection to the history of Karja Tal, its role in the lives of those who have passed through its doors, and the many stories that have been woven into the fabric of the building over the centuries.

Special Properties

1. The Hearth of Remembrance
One of the two massive fireplaces in the Black Swan Inn, known as the Hearth of Remembrance, is said to have a unique property: it is believed to kindle memories and visions of the past for those who sit before it. Patrons who spend time near this hearth often find themselves recalling long-forgotten events or seeing flashes of history that they have never witnessed before. Some claim that the hearth allows them to connect with their ancestors or to relive significant moments from their lives. This property has made the fireplace a place of reflection and sometimes even divination, where locals and travelers alike come to seek insight or closure.  
2. The Inn’s Protective Aura
The Black Swan Inn is believed to possess a subtle yet powerful protective aura that shields it and its occupants from harm. This aura is thought to have been imbued into the building over centuries, possibly due to the many acts of heroism, sacrifice, and kindness that have taken place within its walls. During the Orc siege of 2731 RJ, the inn withstood assaults that should have left it in ruins, leading many to believe that the building itself is protected by a benevolent force. This protective aura is said to ward off evil entities, making the inn a safe haven for those seeking refuge from dark forces.  
3. The Ever-Full Tankard
Behind the bar, there is a legendary object known as the Ever-Full Tankard. This silver tankard, intricately engraved with symbols of prosperity and abundance, is said to never run dry. No matter how much is poured from it, the tankard always remains full of ale. The innkeeper uses it sparingly, often reserving its miraculous properties for special occasions or to lift the spirits of a particularly downtrodden guest. The Ever-Full Tankard is considered both a symbol of the inn’s generosity and a reminder of the magical mysteries that surround the Black Swan.  
4. The Warding Stones
Embedded discreetly within the walls of the Black Swan Inn are a series of warding stones, small but powerful runestones placed there by an ancient order of druids who once frequented the inn. These stones are said to provide protection against malevolent magic and curses. They are carefully hidden and known only to the innkeeper and a few trusted individuals. The warding stones have been credited with keeping the inn safe from several magical threats over the centuries, including the curse associated with the obsidian idol. Their presence is part of the reason why the inn has remained standing and prosperous for so long.  
5. The Resonant Floor
The rich, dark oak floor of the Black Swan Inn is said to have an unusual property known as the Resonance of Truth. It is believed that the wood, harvested from an ancient and sacred grove, has the ability to amplify truth and sincerity. When someone speaks honestly or shares a genuine emotion while standing on this floor, their words are said to carry more weight and impact, resonating with those who hear them. Conversely, those who lie or deceive may find their words faltering, as if the very ground beneath them rejects falsehood. This property has made the inn a place where people often feel compelled to speak openly and truthfully, fostering an atmosphere of trust and camaraderie.  
6. The Whispering Tapestries
The tapestries that adorn the walls of the Black Swan Inn are more than just decorations; they are said to be whispering tapestries that carry the echoes of conversations and events that have taken place in the inn over the centuries. On quiet nights, some guests have reported hearing faint whispers coming from the tapestries, recounting snippets of old stories, secrets, or even warnings. While the whispers are usually benign, offering insights or tales from the past, there are rare occasions when they seem to convey messages of caution or guidance. These tapestries are believed to be enchanted, possibly by the original weavers who imbued them with the spirit of the inn’s history.  
7. The Phantom Guest
While the tale of the Phantom Guest is well-known, the presence of this ethereal visitor is considered by many to be one of the inn’s special properties. The Phantom Guest is said to occasionally appear in one of the inn’s guest rooms, particularly on nights of significance or when the inn is in need of protection. Unlike a typical haunting, the Phantom Guest is seen as a guardian spirit, watching over the inn and its patrons. It is said that those who encounter the Phantom Guest often receive a blessing or warning, depending on the nature of their visit to the inn.


1. Expansion of the Common Room
Purpose: As the Black Swan transitioned from a private manor to a public inn, the need for a larger gathering space became apparent. The original grand hall was expanded to accommodate more patrons, making it the spacious common room it is today. This expansion involved removing some interior walls and reinforcing the ceiling with additional beams to support the structure.   Result: The enlarged common room now serves as the inn's heart, where locals and travelers gather to eat, drink, and socialize. The expansion also allowed for the installation of a larger hearth, which provides warmth during the colder months and serves as a focal point for the room.  
2. Addition of Guest Rooms
Purpose: When the Black Swan became an inn, the need for guest accommodations grew. Originally, the upper floors of the manor contained private chambers for the Voss family and their close associates. These rooms were later converted into guest rooms, and additional rooms were constructed by extending the building vertically and horizontally.   Result: The inn now offers a variety of rooms, from simple shared quarters to more luxurious private suites. The newer additions blend seamlessly with the original architecture, preserving the building’s historic charm while providing modern comforts.  
3. Construction of the Cellar and Storage Rooms
Purpose: As the Black Swan began operating as an inn, the need for storage space increased. A cellar was dug beneath the building to store large quantities of food, ale, and other provisions needed to run the inn. Over time, additional storage rooms were added both underground and in outbuildings adjacent to the inn.   Result: The cellar not only serves as a storage space but also as a cool, secure area for aging the inn’s famous ales and preserving food. The extra storage rooms have allowed the inn to stock more goods, ensuring it can cater to the needs of a growing number of guests and locals.  
4. Renovation of the Kitchen
Purpose: To accommodate the demands of a bustling inn, the kitchen was significantly upgraded from its original design. The cooking space was expanded, and modern cooking facilities were added to allow the staff to prepare a wider variety of dishes and serve more patrons efficiently.   Result: The renovated kitchen is now equipped to handle the large volume of meals required each day. It remains the source of the Black Swan’s renowned cuisine, with space for several cooks to work simultaneously and for the storage of fresh ingredients.  
5. Addition of a Stables and Courtyard
Purpose: As the inn became a popular stop for travelers, particularly those arriving on horseback, the need for stabling horses became evident. A stable was added adjacent to the inn, along with a courtyard that could accommodate carriages and wagons.   Result: The stable provides secure lodging for horses, and the courtyard offers ample space for guests to park their vehicles. This addition has made the Black Swan more attractive to travelers, especially those journeying long distances.  
6. Installation of a Notice Board
Purpose: As the inn grew in importance as a gathering place for adventurers and townsfolk, a notice board was installed in the common room to serve as a hub for news, job postings, and announcements.   Result: The notice board has become a vital part of the inn’s operations, frequently updated with information about local events, opportunities for work, and even the occasional cryptic message. It adds to the Black Swan’s reputation as a place where adventures often begin.  
7. Reinforcement of the Structure
Purpose: Over the centuries, natural wear and tear necessitated periodic reinforcements to the building’s structure. These efforts were particularly important to ensure the building's longevity and to protect against the harsh weather conditions in Karja Tal.   Result: Reinforcements, including the replacement of old beams, updating of the roof, and strengthening of the foundations, have ensured that the Black Swan remains standing strong. These structural updates have been done with care to preserve the building’s historic appearance.  
8. Creation of Private Meeting Rooms
Purpose: As the Black Swan became a center for local governance and private dealings, the need for discreet meeting spaces arose. Small, private rooms were carved out of the original floor plan and new sections of the building.   Result: These private rooms are now used for everything from confidential business meetings to town council sessions. They offer a quiet, secure space away from the bustle of the common room, allowing for serious discussions to take place.   Each alteration to the Black Swan Inn has been made with both respect for its history and a clear eye toward its future, ensuring that it continues to serve the people of Karja Tal as both a cherished landmark and a functional, thriving establishment.


Architectural Style
The Black Swan Inn is built in a traditional Medieval Gothic style, characterized by its sturdy construction, steeply pitched roof, and pointed arches. This style is common in Karja Tal, reflecting the town’s long history and its roots in a time when buildings were designed for both function and endurance. The inn features intricate stonework, particularly around the windows and doorways, and wooden beams that frame the structure, giving it a timeless and imposing appearance.  
Building Materials
Stone: The stone used for the walls of the Black Swan Inn is granite quarried from the nearby mountains. Granite was chosen for its durability and strength, ideal for withstanding the harsh weather conditions that can sometimes afflict Karja Tal. The stone has a rugged, natural appearance, with shades of gray and specks of mica that catch the light, giving the building a slightly shimmering quality in the sunlight.   Wood: The wooden beams and framework of the inn are made from oak, known for its resilience and long-lasting qualities. The oak wood has darkened over the centuries, adding to the inn’s character and the sense of history that permeates the building. The timber framing is a key feature of the building’s design, both structurally and aesthetically, giving the inn its distinctive Medieval Gothic look.  
Traditional Adornments
In Karja Tal, buildings are typically adorned in a manner that reflects both practicality and a connection to the natural surroundings. The Black Swan Inn is no exception, with several traditional elements that enhance its appearance and blend it with the local architectural style.   1. Carved Wooden Details: The oak beams of the Black Swan Inn are intricately carved with traditional patterns and motifs, including vines, leaves, and swans. These carvings are not only decorative but also serve as a symbol of the inn’s connection to the town’s heritage.   2. Stone Gargoyles and Finials: True to its Gothic style, the Black Swan features small gargoyles perched along the roofline, as well as stone finials that crown the peaks of the building. These elements were originally intended to ward off evil spirits, a belief that still holds cultural significance in Karja Tal.   3. Window Shutters and Flower Boxes: The windows of the Black Swan are framed by sturdy wooden shutters, often painted in deep, rich colors like forest green or burgundy. These shutters are functional, used to protect the inn’s interior from the elements, but they also add a splash of color to the building’s exterior. Below the windows, flower boxes are a common feature, overflowing with seasonal blooms, adding life and vibrancy to the stone facade.   4. Wrought Iron Fixtures: Wrought iron is a common material used for fixtures around the inn, including lantern brackets, door handles, and railings. The ironwork is often ornate, featuring curling patterns and stylized designs that complement the building’s Gothic architecture.   5. Courtyard and Garden: The Black Swan also boasts a small courtyard with a low stone wall, where guests can sit and enjoy the outdoors. The garden is filled with hardy, local plants, including herbs that are used in the inn’s kitchen. This area serves as both a functional space and a pleasant, green oasis amidst the stone and wood of the town.   6. Signage: The inn’s sign, depicting a black swan in flight, is made from carved and painted wood, hanging above the entrance on a wrought iron bracket. The sign is both a practical identifier and a piece of art, embodying the inn’s name and its long-standing presence in Karja Tal.  
Overall Aesthetic
The aesthetic of buildings in Karja Tal, including the Black Swan Inn, is one of rugged beauty combined with thoughtful craftsmanship. The use of local materials like granite and oak ties the structures to the landscape, while the detailed adornments, from carvings to ironwork, reflect the town’s rich history and cultural pride. The buildings are designed to be both functional and enduring, with an emphasis on blending seamlessly with the natural environment, yet still standing out with their unique, traditional decorations.


1. The Lost Heir (2345 RJ)
In the year 2345 RJ, the Black Swan Inn was the site of an unexpected reunion that became the stuff of local legend. A young woman named Elara, who had grown up as an orphan in a distant village, arrived in Karja Tal in search of work. She had no knowledge of her true heritage, only a strange birthmark in the shape of a crescent moon on her wrist and an old, tattered locket with a faded crest.   One evening, as she was serving drinks in the common room, an elderly nobleman named Lord Roderick Voss—a descendant of the inn’s original builder, Darius Voss—noticed the locket and recognized the crest as that of his long-lost daughter, who had been kidnapped as a child during a raid. After comparing stories and matching the birthmark, it was confirmed that Elara was indeed the lost heir of the Voss family.   The reunion was both joyous and bittersweet, as Elara had been raised in poverty while her family had searched for her in vain. She was welcomed into the Voss family, inheriting not only their wealth but also their responsibilities. This tale of the lost heir is still told in Karja Tal, often inspiring those who face difficult circumstances to hold onto hope.  
2. The Curse of the Black Swan (2499 RJ)
In the year 2499 RJ, a dark chapter unfolded within the walls of the Black Swan Inn. A group of adventurers arrived one stormy night, seeking refuge after a harrowing expedition into the nearby mountains. Among their spoils was a strange, ancient artifact—a carved obsidian idol that depicted a figure that looked like a person melting.  
The Black Figure by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  The adventurers, flush with their success, celebrated in the common room, showing off the idol to curious onlookers. However, as the night wore on, strange occurrences began to plague the inn. Shadows seemed to move on their own, and whispers echoed in the empty corridors. By midnight, one of the adventurers was found dead in his room, his face twisted in terror.   Over the next few days, more deaths followed, each more gruesome than the last. The townsfolk began to speak of a curse, believing that the idol had brought doom upon the inn. In desperation, the innkeeper at the time, Marion Falk, took the idol and buried it deep in the forest, far from Karja Tal.   The deaths ceased, but the inn’s reputation was tarnished for years to come. Some say that the spirits of the cursed adventurers still linger in the shadows of the Black Swan, and the tale of the curse serves as a warning to those who seek to meddle with forces beyond their understanding.  
3. The Heroes’ Last Stand (2731 RJ)
During a particularly harsh winter in 2731 RJ, the Black Swan Inn became the final stronghold for a band of defenders who fought to save Karja Tal from a marauding band of orcs. The town had been caught unprepared, and the orcs, led by a fearsome warlord, had overrun the outer defenses, forcing the townspeople to retreat.   A group of seasoned warriors, led by the famed knight Sir Alden Greyhawk, made their last stand in the Black Swan Inn. Knowing that the town’s survival depended on them holding the line, they barricaded the doors and windows, using the inn’s stone walls as their fortress. For three days, the inn was under siege, the orcs relentlessly attacking the defenders.   On the third night, with supplies running low and hope fading, Sir Alden and his companions devised a desperate plan. They lured the orcs into the inn’s courtyard, where they set off a series of explosions, sacrificing themselves to take out the enemy. Their courage and selflessness turned the tide, allowing the remaining townsfolk to rally and drive off the invaders.   The Black Swan Inn was heavily damaged in the battle, but it was rebuilt in honor of the fallen heroes. To this day, a plaque in the common room commemorates their bravery, and every year on the anniversary of the battle, the townspeople gather to remember those who gave their lives to protect Karja Tal.  
4. The Phantom Guest (2910 RJ)
In 2910 RJ, the Black Swan Inn became the center of a mystery that has intrigued and unnerved the people of Karja Tal ever since. One autumn evening, a mysterious traveler arrived at the inn, cloaked in a heavy, hooded cape. He spoke little, paid in gold coins of an unfamiliar mint, and requested a room for the night.  
The Phantom Guest by Chad Watson via Midjourney
  The next morning, the traveler was nowhere to be found. His room was undisturbed, the bed neatly made, and the door locked from the inside. The innkeeper, puzzled, searched the room but found nothing amiss—except for a small, intricately carved wooden box left on the bedside table.   Curiosity got the better of the innkeeper, and she opened the box. Inside was a delicate silver pendant, engraved with strange symbols. When she touched it, a cold shiver ran down her spine, and a distant, sorrowful wail echoed through the inn. That night, guests reported seeing a ghostly figure roaming the halls, searching for something—or someone.   Over the following weeks, the inn was plagued by strange occurrences. Objects moved on their own, cold spots appeared in rooms, and the faint sound of weeping could be heard at odd hours. The innkeeper eventually decided to take the pendant to the town’s elder, who identified the symbols as an ancient script used by a forgotten civilization.   The elder advised that the pendant be buried in consecrated ground, far from the inn. Once this was done, the disturbances ceased, but the story of the Phantom Guest became a part of the Black Swan’s lore. Some say that the ghost still returns on certain nights, searching for the pendant that was taken from him.  
5. The Festival of Lights (3000 RJ)
In a more recent and uplifting tale, the Black Swan Inn played a central role in one of the most memorable celebrations in Karja Tal’s history. In 3000 RJ, the town faced a year of hardships—poor harvests, an outbreak of disease, and a harsh winter had taken their toll. Spirits were low, and it seemed that the town’s annual Festival of Lights might be canceled.   However, the innkeeper at the time, Evelyn Marwick, refused to let the tradition die. She organized a grand feast at the Black Swan, using her own savings to ensure that no one went hungry. She invited everyone in the town to come together at the inn, urging them to find hope in one another.   On the night of the festival, the Black Swan was transformed into a beacon of light and warmth. Lanterns and candles illuminated every corner, and the common room was filled with laughter and music. Evelyn’s efforts paid off, as the people of Karja Tal found renewed strength in their unity and resilience.   The Festival of Lights that year was the brightest in living memory, and it marked a turning point for the town. The hardships of the previous year were overcome, and the festival became a symbol of hope and community. To this day, the Black Swan remains the heart of the Festival of Lights, with the townspeople gathering there each year to celebrate life and the bonds that hold them together.


1. Historical Significance
The Black Swan Inn is one of the oldest and most storied buildings in Karja Tal, with a rich history spanning nearly 800 years. Tourists with an interest in history and architecture are drawn to the inn to experience firsthand the blend of medieval Gothic design and the tales that have unfolded within its walls. The inn’s past as a former merchant’s manor and its role in key events in the town’s history make it a must-visit site for anyone exploring the region.  
2. Legends and Lore
The Black Swan is known for the many legends and ghost stories associated with it, such as the tale of the Phantom Guest and the Curse of the Black Swan. These stories have become part of local folklore and are a significant draw for tourists, particularly those interested in the paranormal or in exploring the darker side of history. The inn’s atmosphere, with its ancient stone walls and flickering hearths, enhances the allure for those seeking an experience steeped in mystery and intrigue.  
3. Cultural Events and Festivals
The Black Swan Inn plays a central role in Karja Tal’s cultural life, hosting events such as the annual Festival of Lights. Tourists often plan their visits to coincide with these events, eager to participate in the vibrant local traditions and festivities. The inn’s reputation as the heart of these celebrations makes it an attractive destination for those looking to immerse themselves in the culture of Karja Tal.  
4. Adventure Tourism
Karja Tal is located near several areas of natural beauty and wilderness that attract adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts. The Black Swan serves as a convenient and comfortable base for those looking to explore the surrounding countryside, mountains, and forests. The inn’s notice board, often filled with job postings and adventure opportunities, also appeals to tourists seeking to embark on quests or expeditions in the area.  
5. Gastronomy
The Black Swan’s kitchen is renowned for its hearty, traditional fare, which has become a highlight for food-loving tourists. The inn’s menu, featuring dishes like the Hearty Stew and the Black Swan Ale, offers visitors a taste of authentic local cuisine. The combination of good food, warm hospitality, and the historic setting makes the Black Swan a popular stop for those touring the region.  
6. Quaint and Picturesque Setting
The inn’s architectural charm, with its stone walls, wooden beams, and carefully maintained adornments like flower boxes and wrought iron fixtures, adds to its appeal. The Black Swan is often seen as the quintessential medieval inn, offering tourists a picturesque and authentic experience that evokes the feeling of stepping back in time. Many visitors are drawn to the inn simply to experience its cozy, old-world atmosphere and to enjoy a quiet retreat in a historically rich environment.  
7. Storytelling and Local Culture
The inn is known for its vibrant storytelling tradition, with both locals and staff sharing the many tales and legends of Karja Tal and the inn itself. Tourists who enjoy immersive cultural experiences are drawn to the Black Swan to listen to these stories, engage with the local community, and perhaps even contribute their own tales to the inn’s ever-growing lore.
The Black Swan by Unknown
Founding Date
2228 RJ
Alternative Names
The Swan, The Black Swann, Der Schwarze Schwan

Articles under The Black Swan

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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