The Haunting of Kroll's Kurios

In the heart of Lankhmar lies Kroll's Kurios, a shop now boarded up and abandoned, its once inviting exterior now a grim reminder of the horrors within. The building is notorious for being haunted by the malevolent spirit of Varnak Kroll, a sorcerer who met a gruesome end during a forbidden ritual gone wrong.  

The Evil Spirit:

The Spirit of Varnak Kroll
Varnak Kroll's spirit is a force of pure malevolence, manifesting as a dark, twisted figure with glowing eyes that burn with hatred. This entity is not content with mere mischief; it seeks to inflict terror, pain, and death. The spirit’s presence is marked by violent poltergeist activity—objects hurled across rooms, eerie whispers echoing through the halls, and sudden, bone-chilling cold that grips any who dare enter.  

The Haunting:

Kroll’s spirit delights in tormenting those foolish enough to step inside. There are numerous accounts of individuals who attempted to brave a night in the shop, only to meet horrific fates. Those who have tried often end up missing, their bodies never found. Others have been discovered dead, their faces frozen in expressions of unimaginable terror. Some survivors are found wandering the streets, their minds shattered, unable to speak of the horrors they endured, now living as mental invalids.  

Demonic Possession:

The most chilling aspect of the haunting is the spirit's ability to possess the living. Several who entered the shop have become vessels for Kroll’s dark essence, committing acts of violence and madness before finally succumbing to death. The possessed are driven to enact Kroll’s unfinished rituals, often mutilating themselves or others in grotesque ceremonies that echo the original failed summoning.  

Closure of the Shop:

Due to the extreme poltergeist activity and the violent events associated with it, Kroll’s Kurios has been permanently shuttered. The last owner, a brave yet foolhardy merchant named Garvin, vanished after a particularly violent episode that left the shop in ruins. His disappearance was the final straw, leading the city to condemn and seal the building, marking it as cursed and off-limits.  

Neighborhood Reactions:

The surrounding neighborhood is filled with tales of the haunted shop. Local children dare each other to approach the boarded-up entrance, but none are brave enough to venture inside. The area around Kroll's Kurios is avoided by residents, especially after sundown, when the spirit’s activity is said to peak.  

Local Folklore:

According to legend, anyone who tries to stay the night in Kroll’s Kurios is doomed. It is said that the spirit of Varnak Kroll will drag their soul into the void, just as it did with the sorcerer himself. Another tale speaks of a hidden journal within the shop, detailing the ritual that brought about Kroll’s doom and potentially a way to banish the spirit forever. However, those who seek this journal never return.  

Why the Building Remains:

The city hasn't demolished Kroll's Kurios for several reasons. First, the intense poltergeist activity makes it hazardous for demolition crews. Second, the fear of unleashing the spirit onto the city should the building be disturbed keeps officials from taking action. Lastly, local sorcerers and priests are either too terrified or have been unsuccessful in their attempts to exorcise Kroll’s spirit. The malevolence and power of the spirit surpass conventional exorcism methods, and many fear the consequences of failure.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Varnak Kroll by Chad Watson via Midjourney


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