Primordia - The Creation of Elf and Man

Era beginning/end


The Elves and the Humans have been present since the beginning of time.   The Gold Elves, sometimes known as Sun Elves, were the only Elves in the universe and are the purist of all Elven kind. From Gold Elves, all other races of Elves have descended. Then, they were known as the “die Kinder” and they were created purely to inhabit the world of Nehwon.   The Creators of all material planes are Gods known as the “Old Ones”. Two of these Gods, Melkor and Salan, created the seed of Elf and Man upon the lands of Nehwon. The Old Ones have done this before, laying the seed of life on a planet, then abandon their creations for a millennia, eventually returning to monitor the progress of their creations. Melkor and Salan have always rivaled one another. To this point, Melkor set to the task of creating the Gold Elves to rule all of Nehwon while Salan created Humans for the same purpose.   As creations of the Gods are apt to do, Elves tend to see themselves made in the image of Melkor and Humans see themselves reflected in Salan. The Old Ones are of course neither and their true natures are incomprehensible to the mortal mind.   As they created new worlds, the Old Ones left portals linking innumerable worlds spanning the entire multiverse. Guardians were also created to protect the integrity of these portals so that the bridges between these worlds would always remain. In Nehwon, that guardian is known as Ningauble of the Seven Eyes. He protects the portal that lies inside of an immense cave structure aptly named "Ningauble's Caverns". Ningauble is referred to as the "gossiper of the gods", for his fondness for stories of an unusual nature and his sometimes bizarre spies and informants. Ningauble is a mysterious being with a manipulative character. Some say that Ningauble had been created by the Old Ones for men to sharpen their imaginations for the purpose of solving complex riddles and solving the mysteries of life. Equally known for his ability to see into the future and his cunning mischievousness, some sages question whether he has the gift of foresight, or whether he merely sets the stage for future events with such a bewildering cunning that only an efreet or an adept could evade acting the part given him.

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