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Nergroma is a technocracy, meaning it the decision-makers are selected based on their expertise in a given scientific or technical knowledge. The population of Nergroma is mainly goblinoid, though kobolds are also very present in it.


  1. Engineer Master. The engineer master is part of the council and is elected by it. They are meant to settle disagreements between council members.
  2. Council of the Five Technomancers. A group of five engineers with considerable achivements, they are the major authority of the technocracy.
  3. High Engineer. Captains of each districts guard.
  4. Powder Sentinels. The guard of the technocracy of Nergroma.

Public Agenda

Nergroma's actions always have the motive of expanding their current available technology. They higly value new materials and interesting relics that might hint to lost technology.


Nergroma is the main technological provider of the technocracy of Nyesari. They provide them with engines for their flying vessels, firearms, and energy cores. Several mines of arcane coal can be found within the borders of Nergroma and the export of this material provides the kingdom with enough gold for their I+D endeavour.

Demography and Population

With the short lifespan of most of it's denizens, the census of Nergroma is constantly changing. In the later years an increase in mortality has been detected. This is due to unusual tremors that have been constantly hitting the technocracy.


The Powder Sentinels are the main military force of the technocracy. Armed with their trusty rifles and mechanized siege weapons, they can prove to be a fearsome foe for those who consider antagonizing them.

Technological Level

Nergroma is the most advanced country in the entirety of Neoria. They have the greatest, most impressive machinery in the whole world and no other country comes even near to compare. They invented firearms during the Magna Bellis when other nations hadn't even began to fathom them.

Foreign Relations

Though in a trade relationship with them, the relations with the elven viceroyalty of Syldorei are tense. Nergrin's see them as thieves who unlawfully occuppied their lands during the Magna Bellis and refused to give it back after it.

Agriculture & Industry

Nergroma is the peak of industry in Neoria. They possess machinery that other nations hasn't even began to fathom. Their secret comes from the amount of arcane coal they control. With it, they power their machinery in a sustainable way without to much risks of core destabilzation unless provoked.

Agriculture however, is not at it's best. Bordering the Explorer's Tomb, and being in the middle of the Khatlaya desert, their lands are barren. They have to resort to importation of fresh goods from the viceroyalty of Syldorei.


Education is one of the things in which the technocracy invests most. Free education is accessible for everyone that wants it and denying it to anyone is punished by law.

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Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Major Exports

The main export of Nergroma is arcane coal. They export worlwide, to all those who pay the price for it. They also export technology and machinery, but nowhere close to the one they have within the technocracy.

Major Imports

In order to sustain their people, the technocracy imports most of his vegetables from the viceroyalty of Syldorei. From them, they also import levisthys crystals to create airships.

Legislative Body

Two of the members of the Council of the Five Technomancers are dedicated exclusively to the writing of the laws. If there is a disagreement about a law, the master engineer steps in to mediate.

Judicial Body

Another two of the members of the Council of the Five Technomancers are dedicated exclusively to the interpretation of these laws. If there is a disagreement about a laws interpretation, the master engineer steps in to mediate.

Executive Body

The Powder Sentinels are the guardians of the technocracy of Nergroma. They make sure the law is upheld and that no mishaps take place. Each district has slighly different variations of the rules, implemented by the High Engineer of the district to which the Powder Sentinels report.

Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

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