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Nyesari is the elven magocracy within Mallendarb. It consists of Nyesari, the main kingdom, and Syldorei, a viceroyalty overseas on the continent of Calina. Though not entirely, the population is majorly elven and there is known to be widespread racism among the populous.


In the capital city of the viceroy of Syldorei, Glase, is located the biggest mine of levysthys in the face of Neoria. These material is used in every aircraft and most flying devices and gives great value to the kingdom.

The coastal side of Nyesari also lives in abundance due to the quantity and quality of fish found in it's coasts, as well as there breathtaking beaches that bring tourist from neighbouring kingdoms to spend their holidays.

Demography and Population

Natality and mortality are generally low on the elven kingdom due to the atonishingly long life-span of it's denizens. Elves have a sense not to have children more than once in their lifetimes because of overpopulation reasons. They typically wait until well in the middle of their lifes to have children if they decide to have any.


Before the Magna Bellis, the technocracy of Nergroma had full control over the lands of the viceroyalty of Syldorei. However, during the war those lands were colonized by the elven kingdom of Nyesari in an effort to search for resouces to feed their war efforts.

Conversly, the forest of Bumidan'Mekar was before a part of Nyesari. That was until the witch queen, Rose, decided to create her Thorn Sanctum. The Thorn Sanctum made the forest a place of reunion from witches all over the world. Rose gives them protection and avoids interference in their independent nation by any and all outsiders.


The military corps of Nyesari are The Green Wind, the army of the elven kingdom. They are the first line of defense against invasive forces in times of war and the protectors and enforcers of the law in times of peace. The soldiers from The Green Wind are known as gusts and they patrol the cities in search for mishaps.


Though freedom of religion is present within the borders of Nyesari, the most active religions within the elven kingdom are the worship of Levanna, The Moon Sculptor and Ceridwen, The Blinding Beauty. This two goddesses are the matrons of the kingdom and days of celebration on their behalf are nation-wide festivities.

On the name of Levanna, the elves celebrate the Moon-Carving on the 25th of Dynastes. During this day people design moon-shaped floating lanterns and set them free into the skies at night. This event symbolises the creation of Leven and Dood by the Moon Sculptor.

For Ceridwen, there is the Natural Beauty contest held every year on the 50th of Celestia. In this festivity, people of Nyesari vote on the house with the most beautiful vines on its walls. Each city has a winner and rewards are given to them.

Foreign Relations

In Nyesari, relationships with neighbouring nations have always been tense. The treaty with Anvilar helps relieve some of these tensions, but it's obvious that at any given opportunity an attack from Anvilar is unavoidable.

Their relationship with the Ranginian empire though has been improving since the coup d'Etat in which the current emperor, Adriel Bellum, ascended to the throne. The politics implemented by him and her wife have improved the empire's relationships with most other countries, except for Anvilar. Their relationship with the latter put some tension on Nyesari's relation with the empire.

The forest of Bumidan'Mekar is an unusual independent territory within Nyesari that doesn't have any kind of relationship with anyone outside of it's boundaries. Also known as the Magocracy of the Witch Queen, anyone who gets in can't get out and viceversa, unless the Witch Queen wishes to let them go.

On the other hand, relations with the technocracy of Nergroma are really tame because of the lack of communication between them and Syldorei. Having The Explorer's Tomb as a frontier, the only communication between the two nations is by maritime trade. There are still some tensions between the two nations on debate about the legitimacy of goverment over the land of the viceroyalty by the elves.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture in Nyesari is very prominent and the main source of income apart from the commerce of levysthis. Due to the fertility of the lands and the care elves put in it's upkeeping, their crops grow to be the best in the continent of Glasinia.

Due to elves lack of interest in machinery, industry isn't as advanced as it could be. However, this is compensated by the treaty of trade established between Nyesaria and the technocracy of Nergroma.

Trade & Transport

The main way to transport of goods within Nyesari is aerial transport. being the main producer of levisthys in the whole world, their aircraft designs are really advanced. This helps the kingdom transport their crops and minerals in a quicker pace than most nations.

Regale sicut natura

Founding Date
51st of Lutra, 7942 BMB
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The elven kingdom
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System

There are many places within the kingdom that stand out, none do as much as the floating capital of the viceroyalty, though. Glase is a floating city that is not only a mine for levisthys, but also the greatest strategic bastion in the world.

The Explorer's Tomb is also located within the viceroyalty's territory acting as a natural frontier between it and the Republic of Nergroma.

The greenhouse coast is one of the most transited touristic destination in the continent of Glasinia. It's beautiful beaches and tasty fish treats are well-known all-over Neoria. The ivory forests are also a transited location. The exhuberant beauty from the vegetation in the place is a sight to behold.

Legislative Body

All laws are written by the king. However, there is a council of holy scribes known as the Poises that serve Fíntan and determine wether these laws are in fact fair. If not the king has to ammend the parts determined by the council or discard the law entirely.

Judicial Body

Trials are handled by the Ears of the Judge God, a body of Fíntan worshippers that make sure the rules are followed. Nevertheless, the word of the king is absolute in this aspect and they can change the veridict if considered necessary or even waive the trial entirely. If this were to happen, the king has to make a written justification for this extraordinary exert of their power.

Executive Body

The Green Wind is not only the militia of the country, it is also tasked with the enforcement of the laws on the streets. Gusts have complete authority over common folk, who must obey the gusts commands. Abuses of power from the guardias are dealt with by the king themselves.

Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Non-Agression Pact and Resource Sharing

The relationship between Nyesari and Anvilar is and always has been tense. A war is only prevented by the repercussions of the Treaty of Holy Rights.

Trade Partnership

Though tensions are lesser now after so many years from the Magna Bellis, there are still people from Nergroma who loathe the elves for taking their lands.

Nyesari has to respect the rule of the Witch Queen because the amount of loses the kingdom would take if they would start an all out war with her would leave them vulnerable to an attack from Anvilar.

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