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Lord Ryūji (a.k.a. Our Father of Blades)

Ryūji is the patron of warriors, swordsmiths and lawful aligned dragons. His faith appeals to people with an appreciation for blades, their crafting and their caretaking. As such, followers of Ryūji treat their weapons with outmost respect.

Ryūjites bond with their weapons through long sessions of meditation and cleansing. A tarnished blade is the greatest dishonor that can befall a ryūjites and a sign of disrespect towards The Father of Blades.

Divine Domains

War, Forge, Nature.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A blade and a flute forming a cross.

Tenets of Faith

  • Rei (Respect). There's no honor in cruelty or showing off. Show everyone courtesy, even your worst enemies.
  • Yu (Courage). Rise above those who fear to act. A warrior must have a courageous heart.
  • Meiyo (Honor). Your most important virtue. There is only one judge of your honor, you. You will know when you have failed yourself.
  • Jundo (Purity). Keep your blade in shape as in a perpetual state of untaintedness.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Bladefather is described as a contradiction of all things known to mortals. He is said to have the imposing presence of warrior and soothe everyone around him, making them feel at ease.

Body Features

Though it didn't kill him, the poison his brother gave him left severe scarring on his body. Depictions of him show streaks of violet covering the upper part of his shoulder all the way up his throat.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

The philosophy of The Bladefather is that of self-improvment. His followers preach his words of doing what you can with what you have available to you.


Family Ties

When the greater deities of the Kaen Shinden tried to erase all of intermidiate and lesser deities, Ryūji was forced to go to war against his parents. With the greater deities purged, he and his brother Daiginkan, as well as many other gods, were left orphaned by their own hands.

Ryūji was then poisoned by her brother who was jealous of the treatment he got and rebuked every ideal he stood for. However, The Bladefather's meditation and training had rendered any poison futile. Daiginkaan was caught and then banished from the plane of Kaendarin and Ryūji was left without family.

Hobbies & Pets

The Bladefather was said to have a dragon keep him company. An ancient behemoth of the ages of primordium, when the spirits still roamed the face of Neoria. The ancient wyrm guarded the entrance to the plane of Kaendarin and protected the realm from extraplanar intruders.

The name of this ancient beast was Nagare.

Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bladesong, The Master of War, Our Father of Blades, Kami koroshi, The Battle-born, The Bladefather.
Current Residence
Ruled Locations

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