Aegin Province

The Aegin Province is made up of New Aegin, Glacern, Crosby, and not officially but is included on the world maps,  Kar'Inorn.   The Province has almost always been under oppression and occupation from the Empire of Sturn and is considered to be a lawless and untamed land. Glacern and New Aegin are still not directly under Sturns control but are occupied by garrisons of Sturn soldiers and a provincial acting Knight Commander. Though both are occupied the cities still govern themselves freely carrying old traditions and occupations within the confines of Sturn law   Crosby is a major port city for Sturn. Directly controlled by the Provincial Viceroy appointed by the Empire, this city prospers unlike the others within the province.   Many of the citizens of the province claim to be of Aegir descent and tend to not favor the 'inlanders' or 'southerners' as they call many natural citizens of Sturn and Tulaire.   Not formally apart of the Empire the dwarves of Kar'Inorn are seldom seen. Few in numbers and bitter towards outsiders, few outsiders are allowed entry into the dwarven stronghold and it is considered a great honor when it occurs.

Articles under Aegin Province