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Akak (uh-kak)

The half orc, half Forin general of Fraelorn's army, Akak is a force of nature standing over 8 feet tall, carrying both the gilded obsidian Tower shield, causing the ground to tremble when planted, and the gilded obsidian pike hook, a brutal weapon taring apart armor and flesh alike. He is able to carry both at once with his massive frame and upper arms. He can simultaneously shoot the many pistols he carries with his lower arms. A belt on his waist carries up to a dozen flintlocks and hand loaded revolvers, as well as a large shotgun revolver on each hip, giving him the ability to drop his shield and pike to focus on firing from range with all four arms at once. He is able to devastate advancing enemy formations completely alone, choosing to fill his ranks with mostly other forin and orcs, though usually insisting on going into battle alone unless the enemy force appears overwhelming, when he will charge alone while his men move stealthily to flank. Despite his arrogance, he keeps a couple highly trained forin snipers nearby at all times in case he may lose a battle, instructed to ignore any commands given to the others; simply follow, and shoot when they believe Akak to be losing a fight. While they've all seen combat many times, none have needed to take more than a couple shots since being in Akak's regiment.     Having been born at the base of the Blessed Mountain and only having known worship of the golden king and being rejected by so many for his heritage, especially the few times he's interacted with those from across the dead bridge outside of combat, Akak is possibly the most loyal of Fraelorn's generals. He regularly attacks the Afrean border to "free" slaves and serfs to be added to the army's ranks. Though as of late, he has found that he can truly find these wonderful gifts for the king in any direction there are terrans or elves. Only fit to repay the one who saved him when even his own parents wanted him dead.   "You are not an abomination. You are a weapon"   -Fraelorn the Golden King


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