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Brand Carrier

Specific officers in the Pyre Glaa Mage corps are disgnated Brand Carriers and act as a sort of military police. While originally inteded to investigate, judge, and sentence their fellow officers, they have been given the authority to charge soldiers, common citizens, and even foreigners. A Brand Carrier will typically carry modified versions of the Glaan spellshapers' wands along with a number of brand heads able to be attatched and magically heated. They will wear a travelling coat with colors cooresponding to their division with gold trim signifying their rank, but a Brand carrier can always be told apart from the crow insignia sewn in gold into their coat. Most often taking up the majority of the back, but higher ranks may have a smaller sigil on their breast instead. 
While one of the brands they carry is simply a lable: 'unfit', signifying one incapable of rejoining the pyre glaa military or any any guilds, the rest imbue magical effects onto their recipient. These are of course permenant unless one should go through the excuciating process of cuttung the skin away where the brand once was. They range from making a person's presence much more noticable to stop theft and burglary, to making someone unable to walk, if they have made too many escape attempts. Higher ranking officers are known to have brands which make someone trackable to the Brand Carrier from anywhere on the continent. Some are even capable of granting a soldier boons through branding, such as being able to fight through any pain withough falling in battle, or communicate telepathically with individuals similarly branded nearby.


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