The March of Corpses Condition in Neternus | World Anvil
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The March of Corpses

A mere 30 years before present, the standing Pyre Glaaleadership allowed a massive outbreak of Corpse Draggers to plague the nation. Most effecting the lands bordering Afreaand the Dead Bridge. This was esspecially bad in the countryside where there was little help from the guilds to kill and clear out even known corpse dragger nests. There was large amouts of backlash towards the guild leadership for the situation and years were spent to ensure public oppinion never got so low as to threaten the standing leadership. This was only possible through the massive misinformation and censorship campaign which ensured none of the commoners knew corpse draggers were created from the failed sho-gath brain augmentations or the failing health of already symbiotic sho-gaths. The guild leaders and those in the know within the genetics guild have come to refer to this phenomenon as The Rotting.

The uproar from the commoners during this period of nearly 2 years of rampant corpse dragger attacks required the Pyre Glaa leadership to increase to amount of protection they provided to smaller towns, esspecially along the border, and be much more careful about how many victims of the rotting were simply dropped off in the middle of the woods. This is an ongoing problem for the Pyre Glaa guild leaders, as having crematoriums capable of burning corpses at the tempuratures required to kill corpse draggers is prohibitively expensive. This also makes the intake of quality soldiers and mages notably slower from the border towns which benefitted from the increased protection, as having to deal with the adversity of the local fauna with no outside protection was a large part of Pyre Glaa's strategy to reduce military training efforts.


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