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The Rotting

A relatively uncommon phonomenon caused by the removal or death of a sho gath living in a humanoid's brain. It is presumed to be possible for other species to be infected as well but by the nature of symbiotic shogaths being artificial and carefully distributed through Pyre Glaa, the rotting has not been observed in animals. Symtoms typically begin immediately after a shogath's health begins to fail or an attempt at removal is made. These display as irritability, insomnia, depression, and psychosis. If the shogath doesn't return to a healthy state they will transition into a Corpse Dragger within a matter of days. In the case of attempted removal this can be in a matter of hours. Once this has happened there is no way to return the shogath to its symiotic state, and being woven through the brain of the victim, this is always fatal. As opposed to using the nutrients in the blood of the victim's head as in its intended symbiotic state, the brain itself will be consumed instead, the speed of this being largely based on how much the shogath determines it need to survive.
Unlike the shogath originally called from the myst, these cannot survive outside a humanoid body. Thus, once the victim dies, the shogath will attempted to control the body to gain a means of simple locomotion. At this point even contact with the corpse can infect someone. Unlike the original victim however, a corpse dragger tentacle can be burned out of someones skin if they act quickly enough. This is extremely painful and usually causes permenant damage but can allow someone to survive an infection. Even in the best case scenario this can only be done a couple of hours after infection as the single tendril will eat its way through the dermis, spreading across as much area as it can.


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