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The Boss


Though the world has changed so much over the millennia, the hearts of those who walk in it do so gradually if at all. Even while his guild is no longer exists, with thieves being divided by new codes, social class, and by the nature of the miracles of industry, there is no criminal worth knowing who does not know and recognize the greatness of The Boss.   Back when there was an Esen Thieves Guild, a man rose among the ranks and quickly secured his place as the king of all criminals, resting his seat of power in the newly built capital of the Confederacy, Sovegrad. Known then and now exclusively as "The Boss", there was no criminal too small or too grand that was not beholden to him. The Boss' ability to lead a continentwide criminal empire for any length of time is itself a feat worthy of reverence alone, but it was the jobs he pulled personally and with his inner circle of close allies that make him a figure of enigmatic wonder to criminals even today. The Theft of the Arasaka Legacy Stone, the Embarrassment of Ronrigg III, the Great Klepping, and many more stories tell of the greatness of The Boss.   Those unfamiliar with his tale may assume he eventually became old and retired, for no figure as honored among thieves as The Boss could have had his tale end due to failure of folly. That is true, but the boss fell to an all too common mortal trapping: betrayal. The Boss had many attempts made to usurp his rule, the first of which giving birth to the origins of the criminal tradition known as "The Boss' Blessing". Who betrayed the boss is unknown, but what is known is that his villa rumored to be in the Sovegrad countryside was stormed by soldiers. There, The Boss and his associates, The Traitor, The Fool, The Blade, and The Lover, defended themselves in a finally, bloody stand. By the end, The Boss' villa was demolished and said to have been ordered to be stricken from all maps to prevent the site becoming a place of remembrance.   The Esen Thieves Guild broke apart shortly after, giving way to an age of smaller, locally focused enterprises across Esen.

Historical Basis

The Boss' legend is supported in that his deeds were documented and attributed to a figure referred to as "The Boss". But there is no record of who he was behind the persona, if he was actually a man or woman, if the tales of his inner circle are true and if they existed either, or if there was only one "Boss". A theory claims "The Boss" was merely a titled used by a ruling council of thieves within the guild, preferring the mystique and allure a definitive, if enigmatic, figurehead offered. The guild itself is historically known to have existed, it's disbandment estimated to have begun taking place and finalizing in 750-800 MIE.


Across the Confederacy, particularly in Sovegrad, The Boss is considered a saintly figure in the criminal underworld, on of his titles actually being "Sovegrad Saint". There are even some places where an altar for him can be found, usually depicting a robed, hooded figure outstretching a hand while the other readies to pickpocket.

Variations & Mutation

Variations in smaller details are common, as the legend is paced down largely through oral story telling, but an issue of ambiguity is on who is believed to have betrayed The Boss. Ironically, only The Traitor is exempt from culpability, as his loyalty after his involvement in the first failed coup on The Boss is an integral part of the pseudo-divine narrative. Some say it was The Fool, the youngest of the group, who sough to finally emerge out of The Boss' shadow and seize power for themselves. Others say it was The Blade, the legendary assassin who protected The Boss alongside The Traitor, who was tired of spilling blood in the name of another. There are those who say it was The Lover, who wished for The Boss to step down in order to achieve an "happy ever after" with him and tragically ended up destroying all they had instead.   Whether The Boss died is also something of debate, many claiming he was not killed, either being captured or sent into hiding.

Cultural Reception

The Boss is recognized by every major criminal organization in Esen. Even the Boilertown Boys honor him, if begrudgingly, and do not trample on many of the traditions born of his legend. The Golden Cat was built upon much of what is known of how The Boss organized and ran his guild all those centuries ago, Samantha is even said to have an altar to him in her private office.   The Boss is one thing that all criminals in Sovegrad see as common ground, proof that there can truly be honor, even comradery, amongst thieves and cutthroats.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
245-??? MIE
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