Sovegrad Settlement in Neuorban | World Anvil
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Capital of the Esen Confederacy, founded in 247. It is a metropolis, unique among all the other cities of Esen, which houses more than 1,000,000 citizens. If there is any major political action in the confederacy, Sovegrad is where it takes place. It plays host to the annual confederate council meetings, is the nation’s economic hub, and a major port that was untouched by the Dwarven Civil War. It is also where the main Esen garrison of The Enduring Legion resides, though these soldiers have no real power over matters within the city. Travelers from across Esen and the wider world go through the city every day.


Sovegrad is ruled over and represented in the greater confederacy by five individuals known as "The Counts". The Counts are responsible for the five districts of the city: Great Historic, Port Maiden, Colossus, Terras De Elysi, and Gemma and are the highest power in their districts. The Counts are democratically elected every four years, alongside lesser government positions, and their responsibilities are not only to represent their district's interests among the other Counts and to the Confederate Council, but to ensure their district functions to the best of its ability. Counts are the only elected officials who can remove lesser officials from office, though they can only exercise this power by seeking a recall, which must be voted on by the people of their district and examined by impartial law experts appointed by the Confederate Council. Otherwise, Sovegrad functions like most modern democratic settlements. Many criticize the system of democracy, as it is a relatively new form of government and most of the confederacy doesn't use democratic systems in the upper echelons of government.


The city is surrounded by a large wall, with large bastions installed. They are armed with the latest in defensive armaments and designed to last. Two bastions are installed where the wall ends to meet the cities waters, both of which have a Maelstrom class anti-airship casterbeam. These were installed after the conclusion of the Dwarven Civil War to ensure the city would be completely protected from aerial invasions.

Industry & Trade

Sovegrad thrives off the manufacturing of consumer goods and free trade, both domestic and international. Being a welcoming port for merchants and industrious minds allows the city access to goods few other places in the world have access to, while also allowing its citizens to make a living providing business and services that make the city a place the wealthy and well to do never want to leave.


Sovegrad boasts a robust sewer system and the largest city wide heating system in Esen, which citizens have dubbed "Boilertown". It's roads are living streets and are all paved, accommodating both foot and vehicle traffic, and has bridges for the waterways that snake into the city, some of which are mechanical drawbridges. It's port hosts a moderate shipyard and can handle large quantities of vessels. It has a large organized police force and a standing military force from the confederate army located in the city.

Guilds and Factions

The Red Eagles Adventuring Company , The Golden Cat , Boilertown Boys , Sovegrad City Watch, Sovegrad Gazette, The Enduring Legion (only a garrison), The Blacksteels, Happy Hippo Co., and The Delmaire Institute and Arcane Library.
Founding Date
245 MIE
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