John Towers

John is a Werewolf from a long proud lineage of accomplished Uratha. He grew up in the family's Packs and lived in such a spiritual and combative family that he didn't Change while young. He was too used to the tense environment, nothing riled him the way it did his elder brothers. His family wasn't much surprised that when he did turn he was marked with an Elodoth Auspice. He underwent an incredibly brief Nuzusul period, and only one spirit was able to needle him. The tension that drove him to the Change actually came from his girlfriend, Alice. She had some kind of magical mind-trip and became a Mage. (He's never understood much about her kind.) When he felt the Change he knew he didn't want to hurt her and fled his house. He ran to the cemetery and let the Change come, reveling in it.

He fought, bled, healed, and was marked by the Lunum as an Elodoth. John woke up wrapped in a blanket with his head on her lap, a breakfast sandwich and hot coffee within reach. She filled him in on everything she knew about her kind and her people, his kind and his people. John was shell-shocked. He figured done was done and got up to leave, but his girl stopped him and said that she was still with him, like she read his mind. Again, John made a shocked pikachu face. The two lovebirds sat in the cemetery and enjoyed breakfast and talked until John's stomach rumbled for lunch. Then Alice said the words that changed John's life: "Let's go home, John."

John and Alice were inseparable, John even brought her home to meet the family. They attended the cookouts, holiday feasts, and finally, John brought up over dinner that he was ready to be inducted a tribe. This flabbergasted the table, they didn't know that Alice knew anything and had been tiptoeing for months. According to both, the family's faces were priceless. But the family quickly sloughed off their surprise and laughed at the prank. Then old Bill Towers, John's grandfather, said he'd make arrangements for a Tribal Trial.

Known to be Glorious and Honorable, he took a weekend trip with Alice to go back home. He took the combat trials to become a Blood Talon and passed, with Alice as his loudest cheering section. Life continued as normal after that, until the Towers Clan could unite for the Tournament.

John's father Pete was the leader of the Towers Family and second in command of the Towers Clan, and was given the honor of hosting the Tournament when it came about. Alice studied for months on means of healing wounds prior to the tournament so that she could be of use during it. John and his brothers and sisters all competed and John not only made it to the finals, he became the winner of the last Towers Tournament. As a result, he is the current bearer of the Towers name and leader of the Towers Family

After graduation the two headed up to the family farm and were married, Alice taking John's last name. The left on their honeymoon to tour the country and visit John's farflung relatives for a month before deciding to settle down. Then John met Alice's only family, Aunt Emma - a freaking vampire - and learned about her family legacy.

In the twenty some years since those days, John has fathered many kids with Alice and fostered a couple more from distant wolf-blooded families that had ties to the Towers Clan. When John's third son reaches the age of majority, the tournament will be scheduled.


Alice Towers

Wife (Vital)

Towards John Towers



John Towers

Husband (Vital)

Towards Alice Towers



Alice Towers (Wife)


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