
Descendants are a species that are directly descended from the Celestials. They carry celestial blood in their veins and as a result are immortal and wield a great affinity for magic. They are however extremely vulnerable to Rift magic.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

All of the known descendants have been human in appearance, such as the three Almis brothers Daniel Almis, Ven Almis and Elijah Almis; although they have also had other forms through demon possession or ascension back to their Celestial form.   Due to their Celestial bloodline, Descendants excel massively in magic and hold a strong connection to it's realms. Descendants can be very difficult to kill depending on the strength of their blood.   All Descendants share the same weakness to the Rift, meaning relics and weapons imbued with it are lethal to them. Descendants can become highly entitled, especially if they know of their bloodline, leading them to cause themselves and others ruin through their sometimes hard to control powers.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The Almis bloodline has always had defined facial features such as cheekbones and jawline. Their eyes are also usually piercing, bright colours.

Average Intelligence

Descendants are usually very gifted with magic and its studies, feeling almost like they are in tune with the Glow and the universe's energy.

Civilization and Culture


The first Celestial Descendants were created when three Celestials were stripped of their powers and made into mortal beings as punishment for causing a war in the Celestial realm. They were essentially mortal bodies with the strong Celestial blood in them. Due to mixing and breeding with mortals, the Almis bloodline was created. The first child was Jaya Almis, who went on to have Sylvana Almis in the Traveller's Dimension.   It was assumed Sylvana's child returned from this dimension; Aaron Almis, who went on to reform the Valor Santori (an ancient order of magic guardians) and rose to be its joint leader. As the dreaded legions of the Rift approached though, it was revealed that Aaron was infact the Rift King, and the son of the estranged Bethany Almis; a sister of the original three brothers who was created to keep them in control. Seeking vengeance against the rest of the Almis family and hoping to fulfill the Rift's goal of defeating the Celestials, Aaron caused the Extinction and the Voidout; killing all Celestial-made life in the galaxy and cutting off all connections to the magical realms. It was never discovered what truly happened to Sylvana Almis.   To the public's knowledge, his defeat shortly after meant the end of the Almis bloodline and the extinction of the Descendants. Later it was revealed that he had a daughter with the Witch Queen, Olwen Hagan, who grew up to be the Director of Concord; Thea Hagan. She had the unique ability of neutralising any magic, although she eventually disappeared by mysterious means. She left her only son to be the last known Descendant, Adam Hagan, who shows no signs of unique powers.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Because Descendants are so unbelievably rare, meeting one for another species would likely be a great shock or surprise. They might fear Descendants because of some of their family history, however others might remember their ancestors were great heroes too. Some who still worship the Celestials may even see Descendants as Demigods or Messiahs.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Children of Gaia
Average Height
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