
Grompin are small fish-like humanoids who live in primitive tribal communities throughout the Ancient Forests of Nightblood. They originated from the planet Mytheria but were saved and given new protected lands under Coalition Law. Their small communities are led by Shamans, who are able to channel the strength of their ancestors and even gain their aid through a raw form of Druidic magic. Grompin are not exactly stupid, and can communicate in basic Common language with outsiders, but they hold no technology or advanced customs. Very few ever travel the galaxy or join civilisation, with the hero Mizol being the only relatively well known exception.

Basic Information


Grompin are amphibious creatures with slimey frog-like skin. Their eyes are large and bulbous especially in childhood. Instead of hair they grow colorful strands of muscle-like material on their heads which are used to show status or heritage. Their hands and feet are webbed with three fingers/toes each. They come in a variety of colours such as Blue, Orange, White, Red, Yellow, and Purple; but the most common is Green. In very old age their skin can begin to look furry and wispy.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Grompin are given short single names at birth, and in rare occassions obtained titles that follow them, eg. 'Harza the Peaceful'.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Grompin hold a longstanding tribal culture where they revere the spirits of their ancestors over anything else. They regard stories and legends highly as they detail the deeds of their past warriors and leaders whom they worship. This reverement makes them excellent studiers and users of Druidic and primal magics. Many Grompin follow the shamanic path of calling ancestors into battle or communicating with them for knowledge. Some can even call upon manifestations of heroes and legends to aid them in battle. Those who do not usually settle become hunters or even warriors; often using spears and rocks. There a several major tribes of Grompin on Nightblood, all of which share common ancestry with the Seerfin Tribe.


Grompin were once a barbaric and mindless species who lived on Mytheria like many of the old supernatural races. They terrorised forests and swamps and even sided with the Orcs in their war against the Dwarves and Elves. After the Orcish armies were defeated the Grompin were forced back into hiding, taking up small settlement on coastlines and in dark coves near swamps where the other races could not hunt them down. In their solitude they began to look inward. They constantly told stories of the people they lost in the war and hoped to somehow communicate with them again. This is how they began their spiritual culture.   After almost a decade they had fully integrated this tribal culture into their lives and even expanded other parts of their society to evolve into more civilized creatures. One of their most diplomatic people, Harza the Peaceful, tried to approach the free races to make peace. He was shunned and turned away at the gates of their castle. The Grompin were furious and prepared for another war, this time certain their ancestral power would make them victorious.   Almost every tribe went to battle to their deaths except one; the Seerfins. They were the clan that Harza the Peaceful hailed from, and instead of readying to fight they prepared to leave. After communing with their ancestors they were met with something of a miracle. An unlikely ally came, his appearance distorted by the various tellings of the story. One thing was certain; his fiery portal showed them a new home. Collecting their treasured belongings the Seerfins passed through and built their new peaceful world; Grompus. There they prospered in peace, relatively undisturbed by the many wars of the galaxy, until eventually the Cataclysm came and forced them to move once again.   Queen Diana of Nightblood granted them refuge and conservation protection in the Ancient Forests of her planet, in honour of her old Grompin ally Mizol who had helped her and Gavin Reeve uncover the NIA's Persecution of Supernaturals. In the Ancient Forests they have since regrown and solidified their shamanic culture, splitting into many tribes across the landscape that rarely even act with hostility to each other. Their only threat came after the devestating Rift explosion during the Civil War which destroyed two of their tribes and turned some of their kin into horrific Rift-touched monsters that still plague their territory to this day.

Historical Figures

  • Harza the Peaceful
  • Mizol, Friend of the Tall

Common Myths and Legends

Grompins believe a powerful 'fire-man' saved them from the planet of Mytheria, but exactly who it was is often debated and varies from tale to tale. The Grompin hero Mizol believed it was Gavin Reeve, while others suspect it was one of the Almis family.
Scientific Name
Paludis Amphibiorum
Conservation Status
Legally Protected
Geographic Distribution