
Nightblood is an incredibly diverse planet, mainly because it is the capital of the Coalition and is home to many of its member species who have each contributed to its development and growth since The Dawn. It is however most recognised by its floating islands, suspended by gravitational anomalies caused by explosions of Rift energy during the Rift King's invasion in 2582. The planets major environments and locations can be categorised simply between the Surface and the Clouds.  

The Surface

The Surface is the preferred dwelling place for the majority of the planet's Vampire population due to it being overshadowed by the Cloud-cities, and therefore nearly always eclipsed in darkness. It's lighting is provided only by the streets and cities, which are dotted all across the planet and connected via high-speed magnetic tramlines. These cities are the home of industry and business on Nightblood, and across the Coalition, most of which is overseen or owned by rich Vampiric or Lycanthropic families. The wealthiest of these two species enjoy private lives away from the workers on the streets, holding many wealthy parties and meetings atop their skyscrapers. Visitors often find it surprising to hear that the wealthiest people in the Coalition live here rather than in the Clouds. Even the lower class workers enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, with countless amenities and luxuries available within the cities.   In-between the cities lies the vast forests and mountain ranges that remain untouched since the planet's earliest days. These are considered sacred particularly by traditional Lycanthropes who still hold them dear. Many even partake in pilgrimages to the forests, living as their ancestors once did in the wild for some time to learn valuable life lessons. The stark contrast between untouched woodland and mass industrial cities is impressive, and only possible due to royal decree protecting the environment and natural wonders of Nightblood.  

The Clouds

The Clouds are a mass of floating cities suspended within the atmosphere by gravitational anomalies; caused by the Rift King's invasion in 2582. The majority of the non-native Coalition species on Nightblood live and work here, most having come in a mass wave of immigration between the Cataclysm and the Dawn to help build on and populate the Clouds.   Ironically, the Clouds are more of a common and working class environment than the Surface, mainly due to the Vampires and Lycanthropes bigger interests in their own cities down below. However, many outside business as well was those set up by the immigrated species prosper here, providing a decent living standard for all. Many more tourist attractions and trade hubs can be found up here too, as it is the front for visiting traders and travellers coming from elsewhere in the galaxy.


Major Locations

  • Fang City (Surface)
  • Mytheria City (Clouds)
  • The Royal Palace (Clouds)
  • Old Palace Ruins (Surface)
  • The Ancient Forests (Surface)
  • Fauna & Flora


  • Griffons - Domesticated to provide travel between the floating islands.
  • Night Wolves - Native to the ancient forests, protected by law.
  • Grompin - Live in tribal communities in the ancient forests, protected by law.
  • Rift-touched - Fauna affected and twisted by the latent Rift energy near the Old Palace.


    • Wolfsbane - Grows naturally in the ancient forests, heavily regulated by law.


    The planet was created by Seh'Makou, the Celestial Trickster, through a deal made between him and Kittiana. But the people and civilization currently on the planet is not. This group of Vampires and Lycans had been at war many centuries ago, causing exceedingly detrimental harm to humans and the very planet of Earth itself. The Celestial R'tas intervened between the two and put them in a pocket universe, effectively sealing them off from other parties. The two groups continued to fight amongst themselves for a very long time, but eventually they tried to settle their differences with a peace treaty. Unbeknownst to them there had been a third party involved with their war all along, the Witches and the Warlocks. They sabotaged the treaty, using magic on one of the Vampire delegates and forcing him to kill one of the Lycan delegates which threw the two sides into war yet again.   Many years later a rift in the pocket dimension formed, allowing Kittiana, Silas, and Gavin to come through it and into the pocket dimension. They first made contact with the Vampire community and learned about where they were and the history of the place and that this group of vampires revered the Draculan family and those of their direct bloodline, which gave Kittiana some sway there. In trying to help the group then went on to the Lycan territory, proposing another treaty signing. The Alpha agreed and the treaty signing was set up the next day. This time however the Warlocks and Witches directly intervened, exposing themselves and their past deeds to the Vampires and Lycans. Thus the two rallied their forces and attacked the Witches and Warlocks while later on the UDF came in through the rift and gave their support as well. After the death of the Warlock King an unofficial peace settled between the two species and the heroes left. Years later after striking a deal with Seh’Makou, the pocket dimension was brought back into its original dimension and merged with the already existing planetary body which became Nightblood.   In 2571, Nightblood fell victim to a sudden demonic attack from a series of portals generated on the outskirts of two of its major cities. While the initial attack was repelled, the losses suffered in these cities were massive. Shortly thereafter, the entire galaxy fell into chaos as the Acheron Cataclysm hit, and many factions were destroyed. A decade after the Cataclysm, the relationship between Nightblood and the Union became a very shaky one, due to the fact that the Union had either refused or were unable to provide Nightblood with the necessary aid to cope with the aftermath of the Cataclysm. A series of terrorist attacks then took place in the later months of 2581, which were carried out in the name of Nightblood and Queen Kittiana.   These attacks, combined with the planet's already declining relationship with the rest of the Union, culminated in a Civil War during which Queen Kittiana declared Nightblood fully independent from the Union. It then quickly became the capital of a new splinter faction, the Invictus Coalition. Shortly after, in 2582, the Rift King invaded the galaxy by appearing on Nightblood. It was in the old palace's throne room that he destroyed the realms of magic and sent out the wave of energy that killed all Celestial Life. The resulting explosions caused chunks of the planet to fly upwards and remain suspended due to gravitational anomolies that remain to this day. These floating islands were quickly colonised.


    • Nightblood Surface Map
      A map of the surface of the Planet Nightblood.
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Inhabiting Species