Coalition of Independent Monarchies

The Coalition of Independent Monarchies (CIM), more colloquially known as The Coalition, is a political alliance between the Nightblood Monarchy of Vampires and Lycans, the Lucian Monarchy of Witches and Warlocks, and various displaced species such as the Devils, Angels, and the Children of Helix. The purpose of the Coalition originally was to unite the nations of supernatural beings under strong diplomatic friendship, maintaining their independence between themselves and most importantly from the Terrans. Whilst Terrans and non-magic beings are welcome across the Coalition, the idea of being subject to their rule is vastly opposed. Therefore the Coalition remains a separate entity from the Galactic Systems Union.  

Coalition Council

The Coalition Council consists of representatives of each member species of the CIM, some of which are elected and some inherited. The main Council building is locating on Nightblood near the new palace, but meetings can take place across the territory if needed. Vampires, Lycans, and Witches are each represented on the council by their monarchs, whilst Devils, Angels, Children of Helix send elected representatives to speak for them. Because the Vampires have two monarchs and one of them is also the founder and leader of the Coalition, they have two seats on the council and act as a tie-breaker in voting circumstances. This makes the number of seats seven which are represented by the seven stars on their flag.


The Coalition encompasses over 40 systems, but only a few hold major settlements:   Nightblood (Capital World)   Lucian (Energy Production)   Japrillon (Free Settlements)   Yoipra (Refuge Planet)   Bacchus Prime (Farming and Leisure Planet)   Vadubar (Commercial Foundry Planet)     The Coalition borders the Second Galactic Systems Union to it's west, and the Serpentum Imperium to it's east. Concord Law applies in all it's territory, but each nation is given freedom to govern themselves as they remain independent.


The Coalition holds the second largest standing military behind the Galactic Systems Union. It comprises of combined ground and space forces with units contributed by all member states; with the majority being from Nightblood. Whilst in general they lack the technological superiority of the GSU's units, they have a much higher percentage of supernatural infantry and support units, which can give them unique benefits that technology can not. The Military is controlled by the Coalition Council, with its resources and enlisted personnel coming from all of the Coalition's planets and member species. It is primarily made up of Vampires and Lycans, although there is no prejudice regarding the enlistment or promotion of any other race. The Military holds a standard ranking system with the following ranks:   Enlisted: Private, Lance Corporal, Corporal   NCO: Sergeant, Master Sergeant, 2nd Lieutenant   Officer: 1st Lieutenant, Captain, Major   High Command: Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, General    


The army makes up the core of the Coalition military, responsible for ground operations and defense. The majority are equipped with Reaper-Class armour. This armour features standard protection against ballistic projectiles, though higher calibre weapons can breach its integrity within a few shots. The armour features standard equipment attachments such as grenades, ammunition belts and knife sheaths. In addition to this, there are also several hardpoints that enable immense modularity with the addition of more equipment and weapons to suit the users’ needs. This depends on what type of infantry unit the soldier is, which can range from standard to heavy, to sniper. For example, a binocular-type helmet attachment allows the user to spot targets with superior visual clarity and link the information to their X484 by highlighting the targets. A heavy soldier may attach miniature missile launchers on either shoulder for use against hostile armour. Other modules such as energy shield generators, jetpacks, thruster packs and hacking devices. This makes the Coalition army a competent and versatile force.    


The Coalition Navy is the branch responsible for conducting space warfare operations. This includes exploration and expeditions into uncharted regions of space to benefit the interests of the Coalition and its members. In addition, the Navy is also responsible for the orbital defense of each planet through the consistent presence of a home fleet, in conjunction with a network of surface to air missile batteries and cannons developed by Shawtech. Shawtech also develop most of the ships in the Coalition Navy, manufacturing them on Nightblood using resources from Vadubar and Energy Crystals from Lucian. However, some of the ships are also contributed by Lucian designers, specifically those that employ the use of Battle-Oracles.    

Special Forces

Due to the Coalition's varied supernatural beings, they have become known for capitalising on this by forming multiple special forces units that utilise the strengths of their best soldiers.  

Sanguine Infiltration Corps

Formerly referred to as simply 'Vampire Infiltrators', the SIC is an elite force of Vampire operatives who excel in stealth, sabotage, and espionage. There are no designated squads or teams within the Infiltrators and very few records are kept on them. Instead operatives tend to work alone, or team up only temporarily for odd missions.   Each Infiltrators wears their own modified set of Nightfall II armour, enhancing their agility and stealth capabilities with a strong fibre weave and sound dampeners. The attached cloaks and outer layers are covered in light refraction units, allowing for invisibility in almost any environment. As for weaponry each Operative chooses their own preferred arsenal, but many favour bows, swords, or suppressed rifles.    

The Bloodhounds

The Bloodhounds are a ferocious unit of Lycans that embrace their traditional pack mentality to fight furiously and effectively together. All of them are equipped with special Bloodhound III armour, which boasts enhanced kinetic and energy protection enchantments and a thin layer of external shielding for added impact absorption. Their gauntlets also house nexus energy shield emitters, which allow them to quickly conjure weightless shields either to protect themselves or their assigned leader. By their side is always a heavy kinetic pistol, whilst each Bloodhound personally chooses a preferred primary weapon to carry on their back.
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
Head of State
Galactic Credits
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations