Human-Triumvirate War

Humanity's first encounter with an alien species took the form of a devastating war against the Triumvirate. This faction was a conglomerate of three different species that held technological superiority over the UEG, leading to a mostly one-sided war that almost resulted in Mankind's extinction.

The Conflict


In 2520, a series of unexpected attacks left much of the UEG's outer colonies in ruin. Soon, they came to realise that this was the act of a completely alien faction, who sought to exterminate Humanity, whom they saw as a potential threat to their own existence. After a failed attempt at communication that left a diplomatic UDF fleet destroyed, the UEG officially declared war against its alien aggressors. For the years that followed, the Triumvirate proves themselves superior technologically, winning most ground and space battles against Humanity.


The conception of Project: PRAETORIAN shortly followed the century-long demonic war, as a way to develop soldiers that would be better capable of facing extreme threats. However, it wasn't until the early 2500's that technology could be sufficiently developed enough to attempt such an experiment.   The selection process targeted children, notably five-six year old children in orphanages that exhibited above average physical traits. The experiment, while brutal, painful and dangerous, was ultimately a success and all 200 candidates became fully trained and augmented super soldiers by the age of 16. When the Triumvirate attacked, the Praetorians were deployed to the most crucial ground engagements in order to maximise their effectivity.

The Engagement

The unfortunate truth was that while the Praetorians could stand toe-to-toe with Triumvirate ground forces, there were too few of them to turn the tables of war. Humanity was ultimately still losing, mostly due to their naval inferiority. Over the years, UEG territory had decreased exponentially and by 2545, almost all colonies were lost. The remaining fleets had been recalled to the innermost worlds that held the utmost importance to Humanity. At the centre of these six worlds was Earth, Humanity’s home world.   Inevitably, the Triumvirate discovered the location of three of these six worlds and despite having a greater number of defences in comparison to the outer colonies, all four fell within the span of a few years. Only three worlds remained now: Chorus II, Outreach and Earth, and UEG officials were desperately developing multiple contingency plans in the event of total loss.  


In the early 2550s, UEG scientists successfully developed the most powerful weapon in the UDF's arsenal to date: the SUPERNOVA. Upon detonation, this bomb would release enough energy to shatter an entire planet. A plan was subsequently developed: a team of UDF soldiers would covertly board a Triumvirate warship, stow away on it until it reached the Triumvirate's presumed home world, and detonate the bomb either on the surface or in orbit, ensuring a lethal blow against the alien faction.   Forty surviving Praetorians were to be gathered on a ship, the Destiny's Harbinger, to be briefed on the mission but during the trip, the Triumvirate suddenly appeared from warpspace and began their invasion of Outreach. The Space Marines were scattered between ground battles and space engagements, and ultimately after a few hours, the planet was lost. The Harbinger performed an emergency warpspace jump out of the system.  

Guerrilla War

Due to damage sustained during the naval battle, the Harbinger abruptly exited warpspace and crash landed on an uncharted planet. Believing to have just destroyed Humanity's home world, the Triumvirate followed the Harbinger to the planet, while also calling in additional reinforcements that comprised the bulk of their overall fleet.   With thousands of ships now surrounding the planet, the Triumvirate had more than enough firepower to raze the entire planet from orbit, but decided to deploy ground troops to hunt them down instead, as a way to drag out humanity's suffering in their final moments.   Meanwhile, the surviving UDF forces, including a few Praetorians under the command of their leader, Aaron-157 established several secret bases in the caves of the planet. The situation quickly turned into a game of cat and mouse, where guerrilla Human forces would perform hit and run tactics on Triumvirate establishments and then retreat quickly. This didn't last for long however, and the Humans' numbers were dropping rapidly.   However, with luck, the Harbinger was successfully repaired. With the SUPERNOVA still on board, the UDF forces made use of a faux radio signal to distract the Triumvirate forces, while setting the bomb on a timer and performing a warpspace jump far from the planet. The resulting explosion shattered the planet and annihilated the entire Triumvirate fleet orbiting the planet, inflicting a severe defeat against the alien faction. This was the last seen of the Triumvirate for several years.
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