Daniel Almis

Daniel Almis (a.k.a. Sam'anar)

The most divisive figure in history, Dan was a rebel Celestial cast down to Earth as punishment along with his brothers Ven and Eli. He caused immense chaos, but also helped save the galaxy many times. For adults he is a twisted legend, but for kids he is the perfect 'anti-hero' depicted in their comics and films. His sacrifice in fighting the Rift King was not forgotten by anyone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dan was always well-built but also adorned with many scars, some of which would be fatal wounds to most people.

Apparel & Accessories

Dan's signature attire was a dark jacket or long coat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dan, or Sam'anar, was an ancient being from the dawn of time. Once cast down to Earth for starting a rebellion in the Celestial realm, he was possessed by a murderous blue Devil. He was not it's first host, but he was it's last. He had the most control over it out of all those who tried, but still it gnawed away at him and took over in times of rage. Over the generations he had made a name for himself as a murderer and a betrayer, only adding to the fearful legends surrounding the blue fire spirit. But he had also done much good, befriending the Heroes of Old and joining them in many successful defenses of Earth and Humanity. That was until he was detained by his brother Elijah, the Celestial Jailor, and handed over to the Wardens of Oblivion, where the devil spirit was ripped from him and forced to fight him as punishment for his many crimes. With the purge-enchanted Blightslayer sword in hand he defeated the jinn spirit, and took the oath of a Devil Hunter.   From then on, he would forever hunt his former kind, freeing the universe from their evil. He could never forgive himself for his genocidal past, but he hoped one day he would be able to redeem himself. This redemption didn't arrive, as his life was cut short by his daughter Jaya, who was under the influence of his own father Nozdormu the Starforger. Unable to cheat death as usual, he was resigned to becoming an entity for it, trapped outside his physical existence. Soon enough he realized his life was a test of redemption, he was being taught the necessity of death and mortality, the forces that had cause him to rebel against the major celestials, and once he had learned his lesson he could ascend finally to take his place by the side of the Celestials as The Celestial Architect. For a time he was once again Sam'anar the Architect, constructing powerful artefacts and creations whilst helping the mortal heroes of the galaxy.  

The true Celestial form of Sam'anar
  This power however was stolen by the maleficent Seh'makou in a bid to steal the souls of all the Celestials for himself. The part of him that was Dan managed to escape to a newly crafted form thanks to Kittiana Youngblood, but his former powers were lost in the process. To remedy his loss of power he asked Kittiana to bite him, turning him to a vampire like her so that he held supernatural blood capable of magic, albeit magic lesser than his former Celestial kind. This form however was soon executed by the Reich, leaving his daughter Jaya to find and resurrect his original body once more. This body fared no better however, as Daniel Almis was shortly arrested and held accountable for his crimes by the First Galactic Systems Union and imprisoned.   After some time a concentrated group of Bounty Hunters broke Daniel out of prison, allowing him to flee into hiding with Kittiana on Nightblood. There he remained in hiding from Jaya, disguising himself often with minor illusions if needed. In her almost insane pursuit of capturing him, Jaya sparked the Nightblood Riots and the subsequent Civil War, after which she was saved from the evil influences of the Phoenix and taken to the Traveller's Dimension with Daniel and the rest of the Almis family to prepare for the coming of the Rift.   In the Traveller's Dimension Dan lived out the rest of his life somewhat peacefully, make reparations with most of his friends and family, before the Rift finally came to face them. Daniel Almis died fighting the Rift King  on Nightblood just before The Extinction.

Dan in his older age

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Rum
  • Coffee
  • Britain
  • His brother Ven



Dan always spoke in a slightly northern British accent.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Celestial Architect
  • Former King of Phoenixspire
  • The Blue Devil
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Rift King
Place of Death
Aligned Organization