
Lucian is a small planet shattered by the latent demonic energy contained within it. Despite the giant tears and crevices formed by this temperamental power, its inhabitants have managed to construct large industrial mega-cities around and over the cracks, fuelling their technology from them. Officially Lucian is the homeplanet of the Witches & Warlocks, ruled by the Lucian Monarchy and part of the Coalition of Independent Monarchies.

Fauna & Flora


  • Crystal Golems - Dormant amongst the Crystal Mines
  • Basilisks - Native to the flatlands

Natural Resources

  • Nexus Crystals - Lucian produces 80% of the galaxy's Nexus Crystals.


Long ago, Lucian was the capital of a small empire of the same name led by a demon lord named Lucifer. Under his control the planet was twisted and exploited to support his army, which conquered many of the nearby Nine Realms. Eventually though the Lucian Empire was defeated by the joint effort of the Union (now Terra) and the former Imperium (now Drakenhelm). After that the planet was left to ruin, being nothing more than home to a variety of demonic relics.   Upon the formation of the Invictus Coalition, the planet was occupied and studied by Nightblood scientists, who shortly discovered the energy potential on the planet. At first though it was disregarded, but only until the Dawn made magic a rare energy. After the Dawn the Coalition funded the construction of six mega-cities and countless foundries and factories, all with the goal of mass producing Nexus Crystals that could continue to fuel their magic-technology.   The Witches & Warlocks were given Lucian as their homeplanet as an effort to avoid overpopulation on Nightblood, but also as an act of good faith and friendship from Queen Kittiana. The Lucian Monarchy was established, with Olwen Hagan as its Queen, to rule and govern the planet and its people. Those who were previously leaders of major covens were appointed to positions in the royal court, giving multiple covens a say in the politics of the planet. The Monarchy remained in alliance with Nightblood, becoming a part of the new Coalition of Independent Monarchies and signing the New Concord Agreement.


  • Lucian Map
    A map of the planet Lucian.
Included Organizations