Lucian Monarchy

The Lucian Monarchy is the ruling government of the planet Lucian, which leads the species of Witches and Warlocks that call it home, along with citizens of some other races. It is headed by a Monarch, currently Olwen Hagan, who resides over a Council of Covens where the major leaders of the Witches convene to help the monarch govern. In this sense, it can be described a Magocracy.


  • Monarch - The official head of government and state.
  • Council of Covens - The guiding council for the monarch, made up of six elected Coven Leaders.

The Six Covens

The six major Covens are groups of Witches and Warlocks bound by oath to combine their powers to act in the interests of the coven and witches altogether. There are many covens amongst Witches, but the major six each hold a position on the Council via their elected Coven Leader, and each represent an aspect of Witchcraft.  
  • Coven of Alchemy - These focus on alchemical research and legislation for both medicinal and transfigurational needs.
  • Coven of Sense - These witches lead the way in use of the Witch-Sense, communing with ancestors and training the best of the oracles.
  • Coven of Power - This coven focuses on raw power, both in the magical and physical sense. They have a large part in the military and develop the training of soldiers.
  • Coven of Wisdom - These witches are illusive and focus on gathering all forms of knowledge in the Grand Library. They rarely make any decisions and instead just record them.
  • Coven of Healing - This coven excels at restorative magic and witchcraft. They head the healthcare sector of Lucian and development of all healing spells, working closely with the Coven of Alchemy.
  • Coven of Energy - This coven manages the production of Lucian's Nexus Crystals and their energy supply. They also control development of new technologies using these crystals.


Lucian only has a small standing army that specialises in close-ranged conflict and magical enhancement, instead relying mostly on Coalition and Concord military for its general defenses and operations. It does however have a few specialised unit types that utilise the most out of the Witches powers and culture.    


The supernatural equivalent of communications and support at HQ, Battle-Oracles employ Witch Sense with expertise to allow them to co-ordinate soldiers on the battlefield via telepathy, monitor their status and position via scrying, and even support them with empowering or defensive spells from afar. It is an extremely difficult skill to maintain, so most Battle-Oracles are trained only in this kind of magic use and therefore are wholly ineffective at fighting on their own.  

The Bladesworn

Trained multiple ancient fighting styles, enhanced with enchantments and alchemical mixtures, and bound to a witch who is known as their matron; the Bladesworn are the deadliest melee soldiers in the galaxy. They are trained from young in remote academies, having been given up by their parents or found abandoned and sent there. In this training they are stripped of identity and purpose other than to become elite soldiers. In their teens they are then paired with budding witches, usually from high status families. From that point not only are they are masked and cloaked in black, but they are completely sworn and bound to their matron. Only they may teach them magic, enchant their gear, or even see their face. Together they train and grow strong until adulthood, where they are released to forever be together. Because of the strong bond formed, the Bladesworn are highly motivated fighters that use their master swordsmanship to defend and fight for their matron to the death. Amongst Lucian society, Bladesworn are treated with respect despite their lowborn origins and it is not uncommon that they become the romantic partners of their high-class matrons without any disapproval from society. This is down to the Witch in each case, sometimes she may marry someone else and the Bladesworn must continue his duties regardless of his feelings. In the event of seperation from one's matron, either by choice or death, a Bladesworn must take their own life to join their matron after death. Those who disobey this instruction are forced to become wandering exiles, and are shunned by Witches everywhere.
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Galactic Credits
Official Languages
Related Species