
Outreach is the Second Galactic Systems Union's primary military outpost. It is a gritty and rugged military world contrasted by many civilian cities that feature high rise skyscrapers. Recruits of the military and Knights are trained here. Ship breaking-and-making facilities also exist across the planet as well as general construction facilities for military hardware.   Hundreds of millions of troops are stationed here and are often deployed on operations within and outside Union territory. Despite being a military outpost, Outreach supports a large civilian population. These populations mostly inhabit cities spread across the planet. Several farmlands and villages also exist on the outskirts of these cities. Military complexes are restricted from public access.      

Society and Government

  The primary occupants of the planet consist of humans, although there are also smaller populations of vampires and lycans. Witches and warlocks exist in a very small populations and usually lurk in areas near farmlands.   Being the first ever extrasolar planet to be colonised by humanity, a lot of their earlier cultures and customs also carried over, although over the course of several centuries, these cultures evolved in their own, different directions from Terra. While they still bear some similarities, there are also subtle differences as a result.   Enlisting in the GSU Military, or having any job contributing to it is seen as a symbol of considerable pride and achievement. Despite this, not everyone’s aspirations are military-related. Many normal jobs also exist and are filled in abundance, like on Terra. Normal civilian lifestyles are also quite comfortable and luxurious in the more expensive cities. The planet is by no means completely enveloped by its military culture, and a leisurely lifestyle is not unheard of.   Furthermore, a strong agricultural industry also exists on Outreach, in the form of many farmlands and small towns and villages outside the big cities. Such areas are very popular and well respected for their simple lifestyles and many serve as tourist attractions.   Like Terra, Outreach is also governed by its own stratocracy government, a system leftover in the wake of the Terran Empire's disbanding. The military-political officials of this planet, also show considerable respect and adherence towards the authority of Terra, given the two planets' intimate history.    


See:   GSU Military Tech   GSU Civilian Tech    

Flora and Fauna

The animal and plant life is not much different than what is seen on Terra. Species found on Outreach can be seen as very exotic and unique versions of their Terran counterparts, and the planet features an overall very healthy ecosystem. A popular species of poultry called Dijaj, essentially a dog-sized chicken, is very popular among the inhabitants and its flesh is consumed as food. Sanur is a domestic cat-like species that has twin tails which end in bioluminescent bulbs. Stripes of their fur, configured in unique patterns between each individual, glow a distinct colour. The colours and contrast between their stripes and regular fur differ on the basis of species and genetic heritage. The species is very docile though also playful. Some notable wildlife are shown below.  


A wild canine-type species that are the size of Earth’s horses and often hunt in packs.    


A species similar to scorpions, except a meter in length with a sting venomous enough to kill a fully grown human being in minutes.  


Massive apes that stand at four meters in height and possess immense, levels of strength. Curiously, intelligent behaviour such as the use of tools and the construction of rudimentary shelters have also been observed. They are known to have several phenotypes depending on their geographic location, with the most notable among them being a larger, white-furred variant known to thrive in the southern arctic region of the planet.    


Outreach was the first planet to be colonised outside of the solar system and immediately became a military base of operations. Over time, a civilian population also grew on the planet. Many critical military operations were prepared for and executed from this planet. During the Human-Triumvirate War, Outreach was discovered by the alien faction and heavily bombarded, though not beyond recovery. And as a result, rebuilding efforts were quickly underway and the planet recovered in only a few years time. Ever since then, Outreach had remained a consolidated military outpost.
Owning Organization