
Synthetics are the broad term for both robotic and organic replicants of Humans. Synthetics are often superior in certain ways to Humans, depending on their original purpose. Some Synthetics' modularity even allow them to completely change their apperance much quicker than Humans even with modern cosmetic technology, allowing them to blend in more places.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Earlier models of Synthetics are completely robotic inside, using an outer layer of thick rubbing or skin-like mesh to appear human. Their movements and joints are much more restricted, but they can take more of a beating than organic Synths. Robotic Synthetics are also vastly limited in their emotional capabilities.   More recent models are organically growned or constructed, meaning they are almost identical to humans in actual structure and material. Their organs and muscles are usually enhanced, depending on the purpose the Synthetic was created for. They are often superior to Humans in most physical or even mental aspects.   Every Synthetic is branded with a barcode printed on their skin and laced in their DNA (if organic).

Additional Information

Social Structure

Synthetics are primarily a Terran development, meaning the vast majority were created and therefore live in Terran society. They tend to pick up the cultures and behaviours of Humans as they try to fit in, even if they are looked down upon by many. There are some Synthetics who have left (or escaped) Terran territory and adopt the cultures of their new homes.

Civilization and Culture


Robotic replicants of Humans were first rolled out to mass-production shortly after the formation of the Terran Empire in 2584. The vast interest in this new method of cheap labour and repopulation of the work force that settlements had lost in the Extinction led to quick developments, allowing the creation and birthing of organic replicants. Both kinds became known as Synthetics, or Synths for short.   As organic Synths displayed their immense capability of empathy and human thought, they quickly gained equal rights in the Terran legal system. Despite this, the common folk tend to either mistrust or mock Synthetics for various prejudiced reasons. This makes the Empire a far from perfect place for them to live, but most have already established their homes and workplaces and have not been free long enough to afford emigration to the slightly more forgiving Coalition. Since they can also not use magic in any way, many tend to prefer being around Terrans where they feel most familiar.
Related Ethnicities

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