Children of Helix

The Children of Helix are a peaceful remnant of the Helix Robots that once threatened to destroy the galaxy during the Helix War. Since Helix's defeat at the Battle of Singularity however, these droids have broken free of the original hivemind AI and settled on Japrillon. There they rebuilt small societies in hiding, before forming a culture and even religion of their own. They believe that their creator, the Helix AI, was corrupted by evil forces and had to be defeated by the people of flesh. However, they wish to resurrect her by rebuilding her as a benevolent AI. Due to the already tenious trust issues regarding robots because of the Helix virus, this makes them a controversial people especially amongst Terrans.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Usually named after flora and/or pleasant colours; eg. White Lily, Sage, Blue Grass.

Masculine names

Usually named after elements and peaceful actions; eg. Fire Walker, River Speaker, Mountain Builder.

Family names

Helix-Children have no family names, as they considered themselves all related through their original creator; Helix.


Major language groups and dialects

Helix-Children can all speak Galactic Common through vocal emittors. Many can also interface with machines using their bodies or 'minds', conversing with AIs effectively or controlling non-intelligent systems.

Common Dress code

Helix-Children often dress in loose cloth robes and pleasant colours. The more religious of the culture or dedicated monks wear prayer beads and often carry tinkering or repair tools.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Nearly all Children of Helix are part of The Intertwined religion.


Beauty Ideals

Technology beyond what is required for their bodies is unnecessary to the Helix Children, as they believe it leads to ruin such as in their past. This means their clothing, items, and weapons are kept simple and pleasant; aiming to exude peace and trust to whoever they meet, although still be able to defend themselves if attacked.

Gender Ideals

Helix Children do have either masculine or feminine personas, considering themselves male and female respectively. To them, Helix is their mother and therefore feminine.

Courtship Ideals

Helix-Children can engage in monogamous relationships due to bonds formed by acts of affection and kindness. They much prefer personality over any perception of 'good looks'. There is no concept of having children and being parents however, as all new beings they create are children of Helix.

Major organizations

Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Locations