
Terrans are the most varied and populous species in the galaxy, originating from the planet Terra (formerly known as Earth). They are an intelligent species known for their curiosity in scientific discovery and technological development. Originally no Terran could use Magic, but through the mixing of Supernatural blood over the years most now can.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Humans are mammals and like all other mammals on Earth, they give birth to live young, nourishing their offspring with milk. They have four fingers and one opposable thumb - this hand structure has helped them with the construction of tools early in their history. Their circulatory system consists of one heart and several blood vessels. Their blood is iron-based which makes it appear red. Humans also have two lungs through which they breath nitrogen-oxygen based atmospheres. Humans have four limbs: two arms and two legs, two eyes, ears and a nose and a mouth. They possess thin patches of hair on their arms, legs, chest and head which differs in colour depending on race. They are also omnivorous, meaning they eat both vegetation and meat. Their heights on average range from 5-6ft with outstanding examples rarely ever exceeding 7ft.   With the modern day 28th century advancements in medical research, the average human life span safely reaches 200 years of age, with rare cases living even longer than this. A human man or woman now spends over a century and a half consistently in their prime before eventually succumbing to the inevitable effects of old age.   As mentioned before, humans are rather fragile compared to most other species. Vampires, Lycans, Krillan, Angels and Devils all outclass them in terms of strength, speed, durability and endurance. They also do not have any natural powers of the magical nature, with the exception of the few who are Meta-Humans and those whose ancestry is mixed with supernatural species.

Additional Information

Social Structure

On a superficial level, human culture has changed little since the 21st century. As before, humanity remains multicultural amongst its still independent nations on the different planets, just more urbanised and with technology playing a much greater role in people's everyday lives. Although, rural areas still exist, as well as their accompanying lifestyles. Humans continue to practice a number of religions and faith is largely considered a personal matter.

Average Intelligence

Humans are incredibly smart creatures and their current technological achievement is a testament to this fact. They have been able to develop advanced weapons, suits of armour and medical practices which have effectively eliminated all known illnesses that plagued the species in their past. Although not as physically advanced as other species, they still hold their own with the right tools, skill and experience. It is because of their genius and ingenuity that they became the dominant species of Terra.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien
200 Years
Average Height