
Vampires are a species of humanoid lifeforms who rely on the consumption of blood to survive.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

In appearance, vampires are very similar to humans and could often be mistaken for one. However upon closer inspection, there are many differences, the most prominent of which are their sharp teeth. Their canines in particular are longer than humans’ and serve as the main means of penetrating flesh when feeding.   Vampires thrive and survive by drinking blood, which can provide nourishment for them for long periods of time. However activities that require extensive energy such as engaging in a fight or healing from wounds may require additional blood to be consumed. Animal blood can be consumed though it is not as nourishing as human blood. Other foods and drinks normally eaten by humans can also be ingested by vampires with no ill effect, though this is more of a luxury than something that provides actual benefit.   Physically, a vampire is far beyond even peak human conditioning. They possess superhuman levels of strength and speed, as well as immortality. However, they can still be killed. In rare cases, some vampires have demonstrated additional abilities such as being able to cling to surfaces such as walls and ceilings, while others have the ability to hypnotise other species via eye contact. Fewer still are those who are able to unlock a “monstrous” form which increases their physical traits almost tenfold. Some vampires have also shown traits of gigantism, being able to reach 7-8 feet in height.   Upon being bit, the vampire’s canines inject a lethal venom into the individual’s body that causes death. However, if the victim drinks vampire blood before death, they transform into a vampire themselves shortly after dying, and inherit all of their physical characteristics. A turned vampire may be weak at first compared to their “pure” brethren but over time their strength will increase enough to match their level.   Vampires have two main weaknesses: fire and dead blood. Dead blood is the blood of a corpse, which if ingested or injected, is fatal even in small doses. Vampires of course also need to drink blood regularly or risk become weak and dying.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Originally, vampire culture and society could be very comparable to the Medieval era. However as time went on, a number of different vampire societies on Earth adapted the advanced 28th century style of life on Earth and other human colonies. Vampire society on Nightblood can be described as very modern society with a Medieval aesthetic to it, with some elements of technology and magic being integrated into people’s everyday lives to provide comfort. In modern times, Kittiana Youngblood rules over the vampire population on Nightblood as the Monarch alongside her twin sister Diana.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Vampires are most common on Nightblood, but can be found all over the galaxy.

Average Intelligence

Vampires are intelligent and cunning creatures usually, with their immortality allowing them to garner more wisdom than the other races too. However, they are less technologically inclined than their Human forerunners.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced Hearing

Civilization and Culture


Vampire history starts 100’000 years ago with the race’s progenitor. Nothing is known about his origins or where he came from. What is known however is that the he became the founder of an empire which eventually clashed with a rival one - the Lycans. A war broke out which demolished both empires. Their populations to dispersed all over the globe, some resorted to building their own small villages and towns free of conflict, while other groups still held prejudices against each other and continued fighting until they had wiped each other out.
By the 21st century, the vampires and lycans, alongside other supernatural species, faded into mythology. This all changed when the Demonic War started, whereupon all supernatural races inhabiting Earth revealed themselves and fought alongside humanity against the demonic threat. After that, interspecies relations developed and evolved well into the 26th century.   In the modern day 28th century, vampires and all surviving supernatural species now live normally alongside humanity. Nightblood is the joint capital home world of both vampires and lycans, the former being ruled by Queens Kittiana and Diana.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Lamia
Average Height
Average Physique
Tall, Slim.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Vampires are usually paler skinned than Humans and have red eyes.
Geographic Distribution