Thea Hagan

CONCORD Director Thea Hagan

Thea Hagan, the former Director of CONCORD, is the daughter of Olwen Hagan and Aaron Almis.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thea Hagan is a young looking Human with a thin physique and a slightly olive skin tone.  She stands just under 6 feet tall and is of an average weight for her height.

Physical quirks

Thea is physically blind.

Special abilities

Despite her father being a descendant and her mother being a powerful witch, ironically Thea was born with the ability of immunity to magic. Although this in itself is an ability, she is also not able to wield magic in any way, she is also currently untrained in physical combat so could be easily overpowered.   Thanks to training from The Stranger, she is able to control her immunity and prevent magic around her being passively nullified. She can also, with great strain, block the magic of something nearby. However, direct magical effects are still useless against her. Most people are unaware she has any power at all; except those with a strong connection to the Glow can recognise that she almost has no presence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thea was born just prior to the events of the Riots on the planet of Nightblood which was ruled by her great-great grandmother Kittiana Youngblood. She was quickly taken to safety by her mother once fighting broke out. Later the pair were reunited with her father, Aaron Almis. Thea was taken as an infant to the Traveller's Dimension where her own father was born and raised there with most of the Almis family. Due to the different passage of time in that dimension, Thea returned to the mortal galaxy aged 10.   After her father was revealed to be the Rift King, and he was thwarted on Nightblood, Thea's true father was erased from records and replaced with a carefully crafted (and deceased) identity. The secret is kept easily among her family to this day, of which the Witch Queen Olwen Hagan is still her known mother.   At the age of 16 Thea began training in diplomacy and politics, studying at various colleges and universities on Nightblood until the age of 20. She then joined the Dipomatic arm of the Coalition, representing minor political interests within the sector.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Director of CONCORD