Adam Hagan

Prince Adam Hagan

The son of Thea Hagan  and Bernard Silav, Adam is the heir to the throne of Lucian.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Adam is a young adult male who looks Human. He has light skin, a slender build, and dark hair that sits messily just below his ears. Overall he seems quiet frail and young even for his age, but he always has a look that he is older in wisdom than in appearance.

Special abilities

Adam is a well-learned Warlock and user of Arcane magic. This makes him very versatile in ranged combat and in other more utility-based situations. Due to his personal focuses of study he is more offensive than defensive, but he uses more precise spells such as arcane missiles rather than brute force blasts. His Warlock powers also allow him to have a close connection to the Glow, allowing him to sense life, death, magic, and other forces in the world.
His Celestial bloodline empowers his abilities, although not his knowledge of them. Of recent, Descendants have usually had a unique power, but Adam has yet to show signs of any.

Apparel & Accessories

Most of the time he wears dark outfits, primarily black coats and suits, with designs customary of the Witches of Lucian.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in the palace of Lucian, Adam is the son of Thea Hagan. Despite this she was raised only with his father, Bernard Silav, on Lucian, whilst his mother was busy as Director of CONCORD. He never saw or related to her much, as her all-seeing eyes made her nature quite unhuman and therefore estranging to Adam. However, due to him being next in line to the Lucian throne and to keep with tradition, he took the last name of his mother rather than his father.
Adam was then sent to Terra to one of it's top magic academies to study the Arcane arts and further his Warlock abilities. There he excelled in his classes and recently graduated as an approved and distinguished Mage. After this he had no need to obtain a job or position in the military, as his princely duties allowed him to travel and visit places for diplomatic means freely. He uses this ability to explore other worlds and learn more magic, partly avoided actual royal duties.

Intellectual Characteristics

Adam is wiser than his age and it shows through a somewhat strict demeanour with a slight idea of superiority over others. Whilst he is caring and not one to turn down friendship or acts of good, he often seeks them to showcase his inherent power over others; that of his magical knowledge and his celestial bloodline. This can sometimes cause friction with others, especially those without magic or titles, and his own ambitions can lead to dangerous actions.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Prince of Lucian
Year of Birth
2779 18 Years old