Ven Almis

Ven Almis (a.k.a. Thal'anar)

Ven Almis, originally called Thal'anar, is the second oldest of the three Almis brothers; the original Descendants. He is best known for being a Hero of Old and later a veteran Bounty Hunter.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Ven was not as strong with magic as his descendant siblings, however he was immensely skilled in marksmanship and melee combat to a supernatural level. He was also able to discern the morality and personality of a person through a form of unique magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like his brother, Ven was an ancient being from the dawn of time. Taking an oath to protect the weak and fight evil at an early age, Ven became a renowned warrior and protector of many worlds as the Celestial of Justice. He was however also exiled from the Celestial Realm for joining Dan's rebellion. Him and Dan were seperate for quite some time, before finding each other again and going on to form the Heroes of Old. The two often clashed and did not get along, yet came together when the galaxy needed them.   After a battle in another timeline, Ven was thought dead by everyone he had fought beside. Though in reality, he was merely lost. He eventually returned to become a bounty hunter, ensuring justice was served as best as possible across the galaxy. Despite retiring to live with his family and staying out of large galactic affairs, he was still killed during the Rift Wars due to the Extinction.

Morality & Philosophy

Ven is a very just individual, knowing wrong from right yet sometimes, especially in his youth, acting in a rash way even for the right reasons. In his older age he has become more relaxed and settled, keeping away from large galactic events or problems, as he trusts that justice will be served naturally without him.


Hobbies & Pets

Ven once had a pet dire wolf named Cal, who fought by his side and was his long-time companion during the Early Wars.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Celestial of Justice
  • Veteran Bounty Hunter
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by The Extinction
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations