Doun Hoigh Species in New Haven | World Anvil
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Doun Hoigh (Dawn hoy)

A subspecies of Giant. A little taller than a human with a head resembling that of an opossum. They are widespread, found nearly everywhere on the continent. Natural tinkerers and craftspeople (similar to the Mott), the Doun Hoigh are drawn to the cities of other races, much more so than their Giant cousins.   Most Doun Hoighans are found living alone or in small groups within cities of other races. They take up skilled trades and claim guild positions with relative ease, traits which have resulted in several stereotypes that Doun Hoigh are quick to learn anything and can outcompete any folk in any craft.  
My boy can carry faster, smarter, and harder than any of your men. If I'd a team of them Donhoy, why, they'd carry the ships right out of they water.
-- New Oriolei freight loader
  Communities exclusively of Doun Hoigh do and have existed for a long time but rarely flourish on their own: the creative and passionate energies of Doun Hoighans seem impossible to supress and children would sooner run off to forge a new life than support the communal farm. The physiology of singular parentage exacerbates these family strains as well.  


There are three major cultures of Doun Hoigh. Yet due to their fluidity among other races and cultures, it is inaccurate to say rules and traditions upheld by such cultures are absolute. Rather they are better viewed as guiding principles to the Doun Hoighans who are raised under them. Whether they abide by or refute such principles is another matter.  

Grenn Trunna

The Grenn Trunna people stretch from the Mindresull to the Suthegren lands and the tip of the Aposfabrian peninsula. They gather in small communities of four to five parents who make decisions for the whole. New parents are accepted as soon as they reach egg-laying age. When the number of parents grows large, there is typically conflict and schism. Groups accept new individuals readily, even from those of distant cultures.   The Green Trunna place great importance on upbringing and moral teachings. Children are respected for their unique takes on the world as much as they are punished for misbehavior. The stereotype of the lone Doun Hough, ostracized from a family that he both loves and despises, surely comes from this cultural facet.   The old faiths were easily uprooted and replaced with Helenistic ideals in western cultures though further east there was resistance.   In all Doun Hoighan culture, respect for the natural world is integral. The Grenn Trunna embrace this the least of the three subcultures, however, interpreting the world more as a powerful place with sinister intentions that must be cirvumvented or appeased by prayer and rite. Many mythological creatures and monsters seen positively in other Doun Hoighan cultures are viewed negatively by the Grenn Trunna and their stories tell of monsters in the forests that cripple children and produce witches out of old crones. Out of this more feared respect for nature stems a willingness to embrace the city and its pollutions. The Doun Houigh of Thegrory, Pfinsk, New Oriole, and Helia (Sunnyland-Aster) have more readily adapted to city life than their northern cousins.  

Fuer Norn Yewl

Comprising most of Cantra and the northern Mindreland, the Fuer Norn Yewl are an industrious people who live in large settlements comprised of extensive families of uncles, cousins, and generations of grandparents. Law and tradition are of utmost importance to the Fuer Norn Yewl and preceed morality and religious instruction without question. The justice systems of Fuer Norn Yewl are typically severe and very precise. A person found commiting a crime in the name of jealousy, love, or religious fervor is--in most societies--sentenced to death and the family fined severly and/or publicly humiliated. Reverence of nature is ??     Helia, Last of the Sunflowers.


Doun Hoigh are gangly, rarely growing fat, and have long arms and legs. They bear retractable claws and teeth, capable of extending to a full inch in less than a second. short, bristled hairs coat their head, arms, shoulders, and back with the rest of their tan to pink skin exposed. Splotches and other colorations may appear anywhere on the body as well. This trait is frequently observed in Doun Hoigh of Nilofaur.   The Doun Hoigh are sexless. A select few in a generation are capable of laying eggs whose offspring foster genetic nuances brought about through mutation. These children are strikingly similar in appearance to the parent who, in most societies, attains a special social rank. There are often many "parents" in a single society of Doun Hoigh though more commonly, the Dough Hoigh intermix with human and other Giant cultures.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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