Devilseekers Organization in New Terra | World Anvil
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Written by orphidor

The Devilseekers are a United States-based, government-funded group dedicated to seeking out, controlling, and destroying dangerous supernatural creatures. From zombies to werewolves to rogue demons, the Devilseekers track them all down and neutralize them so they can't harm innocent people. (Oftentimes, the beings they apprehend are simply kept in captivity, but sometimes there's no choice but to terminate them.) The symbol of the Devilseekers is a fierce black unicorn.


The Devilseekers are intent on neutralizing dangerous magical beings. They ignore those who mind their own business and pose no threat to anyone else (such as peaceful peoples like nature spirits.)

Demography and Population

The Devilseekers are primarily composed of humans, both variant and not, simply because they're the most common species in New Terra. The occasional other type of being may join as well, though this is slightly uncommon. They are treated as "one of the gang" as long as they're good at their job.
Founding Date
Government, Law Enforcement
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species

Cover image: by orphidor
Character flag image: by orphidor