Erinna Halliwell Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Erinna Halliwell (uh-RIHN-ah)

Character design by Jellorat, story and personality by orphidor

Erinna Halliwell

Erinna is often more comfortable with the dead than the living. Spirits are more straightforward than living people, usually acting on simpler goals like revenge, justice, or finding the answer to a question. For Erinna, communicating with the undead is second-nature thanks to her natural mediumship abilities and her straightforward, trustworthy demeanor. She's exceptionally empathetic and intelligent, but she has a tendency to be blunt and slightly stubborn on times.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She often walks long distances in the evenings. Her goal isn't simply exercise, as the activity tends to provide her with quiet time to think. Her speed and strength isn't as great as her stamina.

Body Features

Her body is pear-shaped. She has an abstract tattoo on her upper right arm.

Identifying Characteristics

The bright streaks in her hair and her dark clothing make her stand out in a crowd. She often looks mildly sad and/or bored regardless of her true feelings.

Special abilities

Erinna has extraordinary ties to the spirit realm and is able to connect with otherworldly beings much more effectively than the average person. This is partially due to natural ability, but she's practiced long and hard to hone her skills in this regard. Erinna is also highly sensitive to energies related to both living people and locations.

Apparel & Accessories

Erinna always wears a silver cross pendant around her neck (a gift from her mother when she was a teen.) She also has has three piercings in her left ear and two in her right. Her "accent color" in her hair and on her clothing may vary between different warm tones, but is usually red. Her primary clothing color is always black.

Specialized Equipment

She carries a variety of tools that aid her in communicating with less powerful ghosts, including a spirit box and an Ovilus.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Erinna identifies as a woman, though this identity isn't a large part of her identity as a whole. She has a tendency to wear women's tops and men's pants.


She's pansexual and experiences attraction to others no matter their gender identity. Personality is far more important to her than gender or appearance.


She has an associate's degree in psychology.


Erinna is regularly employed by people who need troublesome spirits or negative energies cleansed from their homes and businesses. She makes enough to afford a fairly nice apartment.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are linguistic, logical, and interpersonal.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

She enjoys food from a wide variety of cultures, especially when it's spicy. (She will eat the hottest of dishes without breaking a sweat.) She has a weakness for pies.


Erinna takes cleanliness very seriously. Hair care in particular is a routine that brings her joy.
Current Status
Current Location
26 years
Date of Birth
July 9
Current Residence
Red with bags
Black (natural,) dyed red streaks, tightly-curled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium brown
5 feet 8 inches
155 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You can rest now."
Known Languages

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: Erinna by wtftaylor