Esidi Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Esidi (ess-EE-dee)

Character design by upalagitara, design and story by orphidor

Esidi (a.k.a. "the Redheaded Menace")

Esidi dwells within the less-explored areas of the Sequoia National Park and Mythical Creature Reserve in California. She is fiercely protective of nature and is known to terrorize campers or hikers who disturb the beauty of her beloved home.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Esidi is exceptionally fit and fairly strong, especially for a faun. Her speed and endurance make her more than capable of traveling long distances if she decides to wander.

Body Features

Her body is hourglass-shaped and lightly freckled.

Facial Features

Esidi's face is oval-shaped, with round eyes, an upturned nose, and full lips.

Identifying Characteristics

Esidi's height and expressive nature set her apart from most.

Physical quirks

Her face is abundantly expressive. Every thought she has is written in her features.

Apparel & Accessories

She usually hates to wear clothing, only resorting to putting on a winter coat when the weather grows unbearably cold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Esidi's parents were also fond of nature and had a habit of taking their children to various national parks so they could appreciate the beauty of the world. During their visit to the Sequoia National Park, however, Esidi wandered a bit too far from her family's campsite and became lost. Luckily for her, a small band of nature spirits took pity on her. They showed her great kindness, providing her with food, water, and ways to keep warm in the chilly nights. Esidi quickly grew fond of her new friends and decided she didn't want to be found by the search and rescue teams who were scouring the forest for her. The spirits were glad to help conceal her from those who wanted to find her until they finally gave up. She is still technically considered missing and presumed dead to this day.  
As the years passed, Esidi slowly began to forget her family. The freedom of the gorgeous forests and her new friends held much more appeal for her than her prior arguments with her parents and siblings, as well as the monotony of school. She quickly grew adept at surviving the wilderness on her own, eventually taking to wandering the less-frequented areas of the park and befriending ever more nature spirits. The only thing that upset her about her new life was the way in which visitors to the park left their trash scattered wherever they went and lazily left embers burning in their campfire pits. This continual tendency angered Esidi more and more until she began taking matters into her own hands. Along with extinguishing the fires and cleaning the litter, she started following hikers and campers, tossing tree cones and small stones at them whenever they did something that displeased her.  
Esidi's tendencies to bother careless park visitors only intensified as she grew older. Her antics proceeded to waiting until nightfall, then releasing terrifying screams to drive particularly messy or disrespectful visitors out of the park. She also began rummaging through their belongings while they were absent and taking whatever she liked (usually food and coats for the winter months,) as well as returning whichever natural trinkets they wanted to bring home to their proper places. After search and rescue had given up on finding her, she was free to do whatever she wanted as long as park rangers didn't catch her living illegally in the park. These days, she spends her time wandering the most desolate parts of the park with barely a thought for her old family and home.

Gender Identity

She identifies strongly as female and embraces her femininity.


Esidi is a lesbian. She is particularly attracted to nature spirits.


Her formal educaion ended in the 7th grade, when she decided she wanted to live in the national park.


Esidi has never been employed and never plans to be.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are spacial, kinesthetic, and naturalistic.

Morality & Philosophy

The safety and wellbeing of the planet is far more important to Esidi than the feelings of any individual. She can and will go to great lengths to protect the forests she calls home. Some might consider her actions to be less-than-moral, but she truly believes they are necessary.


She hates anything having to do with modern technology and becomes upset when she sees it. She has been known to destroy unattended electronic devices in the past, with the exception of cameras, which she doesn't hate with as much ferocity as other electronics.
Current Status
Date of Birth
July 24
Fresno, CA
Brown, round, heavily-lashed
Unkempt, red and wavy, long enough to reach beyond her hips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan/olive, freckled
6 feet 1 inch
165 lbs
Known Languages
English (native)

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by upalagitara