Sequoia National Park and Mythical Creature Reserve Geographic Location in New Terra | World Anvil
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Sequoia National Park and Mythical Creature Reserve

Written by orphidor

Founded just before the 20th century, Sequoia National Park and Mythical Creature Reserve used to be an ordinary forest. After the Weirdening, it became a haven for strange beasts of many different varieties, including nature spirits.


The National Park encompasses over 400,000 acres. It showcases a wide range of some of the most beautiful environments nature has to offer, including mountains, cave systems, and (of course) its namesake, forests of enormous giant sequoia trees.

Fauna & Flora

Along with ordinary non-magical plants and creatures, this park is home to beings such as sasquatches, fauns, wolpertingers, and many others.

Natural Resources

The park's resources are protected by the government of the United States. In the past, the area's sequoias were logged extensively, but these days they are allowed to grow and thrive in peace.


Founded as the second national park within the United States, Sequoia National Park and Mythical Creature Reserve didn't originally include the last part of its current name. It was originally founded to protect the giant sequoia from greedy loggers, but after the Weirdening, the importance of preserving the area only increased due to the presence of creatures that had previously only existed in story and folklore.


Over a million people from all over the world visit this park to partake in its natural beauty (and hopefully catch a glimpse of its various magical creatures.)
Characters in Location

Cover image: by orphidor